Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

“How in Merlin’s name did you find out her address?” James asked Sirius as they stopped in front of the lawn of a simple English house that was covered with snow. Sirius just rolled his eyes as he and his friends walked up the stone pathway.

“Well duh,” he said as he rolled his eyes “she’s my girlfriend of course I know her bloody address!” James snorted

“I highly doubt that,” said James “I bet you knew her address even before you two started going out.” He said smirking; Sirius couldn’t help hiding his smile which made James punch the air in victory,

“I knew it!” he cried, Remus just smiled to himself as he ran a hand though his hair while he observed the house

“You’ve got to admit Prongs it wasn’t that surprising,” he said, James laughed in agreement Sirius on the other hand ignored his friends’ teases and continued walking up to the front door. Sirius found Arianna’s house quite different from his, firstly because her house was visible to anyone who passes by, unlike his. The house was a simple brick house, two stories high with a chimney smoke coming out from it. There was nothing out of the ordinary. Just a simple English muggle house.

“Ooh what’s that?” said James, his eyes widening in amazement as they stopped in front of the door. He was pointing at a button that was beside the door, personally Sirius didn’t know what it was either but decided not to goggle at it and point at it like what James was currently doing, mainly because he was worried Arianna’s mum might be watching them from the window and might see his odd behavior.

“It’s a doorbell Prongs,” said Remus; doing a face palm “and I thought you took Muggle Studies?”

“You know I only take that class for Evans Moony.” Said James, as he now approached the doorbell, got to his knees and started observing it. Sirius would have done the same, but today was a different day. He wasn’t at any normal house; he was at his girlfriend’s house. The thought made him feel a bit weird inside but he set that thought aside.

“Hey what happens if I press it?” asked James, looking at Remus. Remus opened his mouth to answer but before he could even utter a word, James turned his back on him and focused his attention back on the doorbell

“Never mind,” he said, raising his finger; about to press the button “I’ll find out myself.”


The doorbell sounded as James pressed it, Remus just sighed; Sirius on the other hand tried to peep at the windows, the curtains were draped down though, so he wasn’t able to see anything. He turned his attention back to James and Remus, the latter now playing with the doorbell.

“Prongs stop that,” said Remus “Muggles find what you’re doing annoying.”

James sighed

“But I –“

“Do what the man says Prongs,” said Sirius, James gaped at him. Sirius gave him a look, James then pouted, got up and stood again next to Sirius; they were silent for a few moments until,

“But why?” James whined, Sirius clapped a hand to his shoulder

“Because Prongs,” he started “This means a lot to me. I – well we. Are most likely are going to meet Riddle – I mean Arianna’s family. And well I hear people say that’s like a big step and other stuff. Now do you want me or us to look stupid?”

James shook his head

“No.” he said quietly, Sirius grinned

“See.” he said “Now be a good little stag and behave alright? We wouldn’t want Arianna to get upset with us right?”

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