Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four


                The following Hogsmeade weekend the girls did their dress shopping. Arianna found it quite relieving and slightly odd that she wasn’t with the Marauders. She put the memory of her and Sirius at the clearing at the back of her mind. It wasn’t something to give emphasis on, she would tell herself.

                “So who’s your date Arianna?” asked Alice, the night before the ball as she did her homework in their dorm, Arianna just smiled as she tied her hair in a high pony tail

                “No one,” she said “You?”

                Alice looked at her in surprise

                “Impossible!” Alice cried in disbelief “I’m sure someone asked you!”

                Arianna laughed

                “Yeah but no one survived until the ball,” she said as she got her books from her desk “I’m guessing Frank is taking you?” Alice blushed a deep scarlet and nodded Arianna smiled

                “Good for you then,” said Arianna as she headed for the door “Well I’ll just be in the –“

                “Library.” Alice finished for her, Arianna laughed              


                Arianna finished up the last of her homework and stretched, she finished quite early for tonight. She wasn’t staying up late in the library for this night due to Marlene’s orders. “You wouldn’t want to have eye bags on the ball now do you?” she scolded Arianna over and over that afternoon.

                She headed out of the library, passing a surprised looking Madam Pince; obviously surprised that she wasn’t camping out in the library for the night as usual. As the library entrance closed behind her, she then headed for Gryffindor Tower. She wasn’t even half way through her walk when somebody approached her,

                It was Bertram Aubrey of Hufflepuff. He was tall, had brown hair that fell to his eyes and baby blue eyes. Arianna had heard of him, he was a prefect according to Lily and Remus. Arianna smiled pleasantly at him

                “Good evening Bertram,” she said. Aubrey smiled at her, his pearly whites seeming to shine under the moonlight

                “Good evening Arianna,” he greeted back, Arianna then started to continue heading to her way when Aubrey called her back

                “Uh Arianna?” Arianna stopped

                “Yeah?” she asked turning back to Aubrey who was smiling sheepishly. He looked around and saw that no one else was near them; the jinx wouldn’t be able to work if no one was around right? Aubrey then took a breath and smiled more sincerely,

                “I was wondering if you would like to go to the ball with me?” he asked, “that is if you don’t have a date yet.” Arianna smiled, maybe she could say yes? She thought of her chances. The ball was tomorrow night. No boy would be available tomorrow right? That was when she knew what she was going to say,

                “I’d love to go with you.” She said smiling, as she said this she remembered Sirius and her at the woods. She ignored the memory and snapped back to reality. Aubrey grinned from ear to ear, he eerily reminded Arianna of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

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