Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

“Jimmy missed Arianna!” Arianna laughed as her little cousin Jimmy repeated that sentence for the fifth time, Arianna who was carrying him in her arms hugged her tightly, her mother was currently talking to the babysitter her mother hired for a while when she picked her up.

“Arianna missed Jimmy too.” She said as she spun in a circle, making little Jimmy laugh. Arianna walked into the living room, her little cousin still in her arms leaving her trunk and other things in the hall. She looked around the room, not much has changed. Well except for some of Jimmy’s toys lying around and the set up of Christmas decorations.

“Look Arianna,” said little Jimmy, pointing to one of his toys in one of the piles “look at my new toy! Let’s play with it please?” Arianna laughed and set her little cousin down, who grabbed one of her fingers in his tiny hands and dragged her to the pile.

Arianna watched her little cousin play, Jimmy told her to join but she kindly declined but agreed to watch him as she looked around the pictures in the living room. It had been long since she had last seen those photos.

She walked towards the mantelpiece where most her favorite pictures were placed. She smiled as her eyes landed on the first photo. It was a picture of her and her brother when they were first adopted from the orphanage, her brother looked quite proud of himself in the photo; considering that was also the very same day Dumbledore came and told him he was a wizard.

The second photo was of Arianna in one of her old muggle schools, and the third was the only moving photo in the mantelpiece, a picture of her brother graduating from Hogwarts; looking once again very proud of himself, wearing his best robes with his shiny Head Boy Badge pinned onto them.

“Arianna dear, what do you want for dinner?” Arianna turned around and saw her mother entering the living room; Jimmy was still on the floor playing with his toys.

“Hmm…” Arianna thought “What about the best dish you can make?”

Her mum laughed

“Then the best dish for dinner then!” she said laughing, Arianna laughed too as she headed out back to the hall where she started to get her things and carry them to her room upstairs, her mum had gotten Jimmy and was too going up the stairs behind Arianna to bring the little boy into his own room and put him in his crib.

Arianna stopped in front of the door of the first room on the right side of the hall. She sighed as she turned the knob of her room; she then pulled her things in and closed the door behind her. Her room hadn’t changed much. The wall paper was still the same light blue, her bookshelf was still where it stood and her bed was still the same, only in different sheets.

It seemed like she had not left at all.

Running a hand through her hair, she jumped onto her bed feeling in the warmth of her old bed sheets. Savoring the feel of home. She rolled around her around her bed and then decided to get up and start unpacking; as she did she realized something: She wasn’t able to ask Sirius his address. How was she going to write then? Shrugging the then decided that she would have to wait until he wrote to her first.

After she had finished unpacking, she changed clothes and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen where her mum was cooking. She sat on the nearest counter top and watched her mum cook like she always did, her mum smiled for she knew Arianna was there.

“Ah I don’t want you to help on this one dear;” her mother said, Arianna always helped her mother in the kitchen “You’ve just got home! I think you deserve a rest.”

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