the start of it all

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warning mention of abuse,suicide and suicidal thoughts if sensitive to any of these topicsthen you have been warned. 

Harry Potter Sortinghat

HarryPotter parseltounge


Harry was born two yearsafter his older brother. Both of the boys had birthdays at the end ofJuly Harry being born on the 31st and his older brotherSamuel was born on the 27th. Everyone called Samuel bySam. It was very rare for his full name to be used. Samuel'sgodfather was Frank Longbottom and his godmother was AliceLongbottom. When Harry was born Sirius was named godfather andgodmother was Minerva McGonagall. Every thing was fine till a yearand three months after Harry was born. On that fateful Halloween whenLord Voldemort attacked. That night James and Lily went out and leftthe boys home with Peter. Peter just stood to the side when the darklord came.

The dark lord went to theboy's nursery to kill the youngest of the boys. Voldemort looked atthe boys took his wand and pointed it at Harry. He casted the killingcurse just to have it rebound and hit him instead. Harry ended upwith a lightning bolt scar on his for head when his three year oldbrother ended up with a similar scar right under his eye from abroken piece of glass from the window when the magic back lash happenit blew the windows out. Their parents returned home right after theattack happened. James and Lily was greeted with two crying kids andPeter gone. They rushed up to the nursery where James picked up Harryto comfort him why Lily picked up Sam to comfort him.

As the kids where startingto calm down Sirius, Remus and Dumbledore showed up. Dumbledore examined the boys and declared Sam the boy who lived. That is whatstarted the life of abuse and neglect for Harry. It wasn't long afterthat night that the Potters had moved into the manor where Jamesparents lived before they died. After Harry had turned two they foundout that Lily was pregnant. That she was going to have twins. Harrywas already being neglected at this point. They barely seemed toremember his birthday. It seemed that Lily was two months pregnant atthis point. The twins would be born at the end of February. The endof February came quickly. Lily wasn't doing to well. The healers saidthat Lily wasn't going to live long after the birth of the twins.

The twins were born ofFebruary 25th the oldest being named Camron and theyounger being named Daniel. Camron's godfather was Remus andgodmother was Nymphadora. Daniel's godfather was Severus and hisgodmother was Amelia Bones. Shortly after the twins were named andgodparents named Lily died. At this point James blamed Harry. Even ifit wasn't Harry's fault he still got blamed. This started thehatefulness of everyone. After getting home with the twins from St.Mungo's James gave the twins to Sirius and Remus. He then went andfound Harry. James started to beat him and blaming him foreverything. He was belittled and told that it was his fault. That hewas a freak. That Lily would still be alive if it wasn't for him.Finally James told Harry that he wished that he died the nightVoldemort attacked.

James hit Harry a few moretimes before leaving him alone. As the years went on Harry had toteach himself things like reading writing, talking, math and anythingelse. He learned by reading the books in the library. It was rare notto see Harry without bruises. Not only did his dad hit him buteveryone else did too. Remus and Sirius did. Sam, Camron and Danieldid. Camron and Daniel didn't know why they hit their older brotherother then everyone they knew did. Harry didn't call James father. Hedidn't call Remus uncle, Remmy or Moony. He didn't call Sirius uncle,Padfoot or Siri. He never called his brother by Sam it was Samuel.

 Harry called his fathereither James or sir. He called Sirius and Remus sirs. At this pointHarry was seven. He never got any birthday presents. He didn't getChristmas presents either. If something was given on those to daysthen it was a beating. Harry at this time had started seeing futureevents. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't know he was aseer. He didn't dare tell his so called family what was happening. Hewould be even more of a freak then he already was. Harry knew hisname was Harry but no one called him that it was always freak. Harryjust wanted to turn eleven so he could go to Hogwarts and get awayfrom the abuse he received on a daily bases.  

A/N Harry Potter belongs to J. K Rowling I own nothing other then the OCs the pictures belong to their rightful owners and all credit goes to the rightful owners of it all

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