A Serious Talk and let the World Cup Began

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James quickly found his family. It seemed they all was eating in the dining room a late dinner. James said, "You all forgot something today." Sirius said, "What did we forget Remus and I took the twins shopping for Harry's birthday tomorrow." Sam said, "went shopping for a present as well then hung out with my friends."

James said, "Tomorrow is the first of August today is the 31st of July." Remus said, "Are you sure Prongs." James said "Yes, I'm sure he was quite devastated when he found out that you all forgot it today. I want to talk to Sirius alone and seriously and Sirius don't even think about the pun." Sirius said, "But Prongs I got to say it." James said, "NO Sirius I mean it this topic is Serious" Remus said, "I guess we all thought we had a day before his birthday." James said "You can wish him a belated birthday and give your presents to him tomorrow. Now then Sirius please join me in my office." after eating Sirius went and joined James in the office. Sirius said, "What is it that you want to talk about." James smacked Sirius before saying "I don't want to repeat what Harry asked me. I didn't have an answer for him." Sirius said, "what did he ask James I can't say anything in my defense if you don't" James said "One of the questions he asked me today was why Sirius doesn't want to spend time with me even though I want to. He always tells me to go find someone else."

Sirius said "I was always in a hurry or tired and always assumed that he just had a question, and I was the first one he saw. I didn't think he was wanting to spend time with me. Prongs I never stopped long enough to let him talk I just always assumed and told him to go find someone else instead of waiting and letting him speak. I didn't mean to make it seem that I didn't want to spend time with him. For Merlin's sake he's my godson of course I want to spend time with him. Maybe I should slow down and take some time and spend it with Harry. I didn't want to cause a misunderstanding." James said "Padfoot you need to spend time with him. Else he isn't going to come to you to spend time with you. He isn't going to bother cause he's going to think that you don't want to. That you really don't want to be his godfather." Sirius said, "I'll ask him tomorrow if he wants to do something with me and spend some time together as godfather and godson." James said, "good he needs to know you want to spend time with him."

Remus gave the two of them ten minutes before he went to the office and knocked on the door. James opened it and let Remus in. this was good he wanted to talk to the others about the other questions the boy asked. James said "Moony, Padfoot we have to talk." Remus said, "What about Prongs." James said, "Harry asked me a series of questions today. It broke me to know he thanks like that. That we as adults caused him to think like that." Sirius said, "Other than the one we just talked about what did he ask you." James said "He asked why everyone avoids me. Why am I not included in family get togethers. Why am I not wanted." that last one broke their hearts of course he was wanted they spent so much time beating and abusing him that to him they must not want him. He probably feels like he's not loved even. Remus said, "What did you tell him." James said "I told him I think a big part of not including you in family get togethers is that it takes time to change after making a habit of things. I don't think any of us avoid you on prepose its more that we didn't want to disturb your reading when you have a book in your face. Bambi you are wanted very much. I know I want you and I love you so very much. I wish I could go back and take back everything I have done to you."

 Sirius said "What did you tell him about the thing we talked about" Sirius didn't want to hear the answer since he knew it was going to hurt to hear it, but he needed to hear it. James sighed then said "I said Bambi I can't tell you why Sirius doesn't spend time with you. It's what I told him since I didn't know until you and I talked about it." Remus said "We need to all spend more time with him and make sure he knows we care. We all need to ask him things even if a book is Infront of his face." James said the quidditch world cup is coming and we are all going we then have school to help make sure we have time with him." time went by, and it was time for the quidditch world cup. When it was time for the game the Potters, Sirius and Remus along with the Weasley's all trudged their way to the minister box where they would watch the game. Shortly after the game started Harry got sick. He wasn't feeling to well.

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the Pictures all credit goes to the rightful owners of Both. I do own the OCS and Plot of the Fanfic

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