Harry's Birthday and back to School

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 A few days passed and it was finally the 31st of July. It was Harry's birthday. Harry woke up like he always did. He didn't expect Happy Birthday wishes from his family. He did expect an owl from his aunt Minnie and uncle Filius. He was also expecting one from Cedric and Nevelle. Harry walked downstairs to the kitchen to get his breakfast. He heard talking from the dinning room. Curious about what the rest of the family was talking about he walked into the dinning room. As he stood unnoticed in the door he could hear everyone discussing what they planned to do. It seemed that just like always his birthday was being over looked. He was being over looked. Harry turned around and walked away. Why did he hope that his family would remember.

Shortly after getting back to his room there was four owls on his bed each with a letter. He gave each owl a treat and then they flew out the window. The first letter he opened was a simple one the letter went as follows:

Dear Kitten,

I hope you have a good day. Happy Birthday. I'll see you at school.


Aunt Minnie.

The letter made Harry smile a little. He loved when his godmother called him kitten. It made him feel special the next one read:

Dear Nephew,

I hope this brings you joy today. Happy 12th Birthday.


Uncle Filius

this one made him smile a little bigger. He was glad that he had a couple of people in his life that seemed to remember and care that he was born. The next letter stated:

Dear best friend,

How are you doing is your summer going good. I would like to hangout with you today. I was going to invite Nevelle as well. It is unfortunate that we can't hang out today. My father has plans today. Sorry I hope you have a good day. Happy Birthday your 12.

Your best friend,


the letter made Harry chuckle a little. He was glad that Cedric decided to befriend him. That he cared about him. He grabbed the last letter it stated:

Dear Harry,

How are you? It seems that I have been busy this summer with the plants. I was hoping to write to you again before today. I hope that you have a good day. Sorry Mum and Dad want to hang out to celebrate my birthday today. Since we couldn't do it yesterday Happy Birthday.

Your friend,


Harry was glad his friends at least remembered. That along with his aunt and uncle. They sent him a note every year. Harry could hear the happy laughter of his family. Of course they were having a good time without him. He wasn't needed for fun and he wasn't missed. Harry went to the family library and found a book on astronomy. Harry loved the stars and learning about space. He also loved to find the muggle books his mom had and read them. He found a couple of books and went to his favorite corner and began to read. He was trying to drown out the happiness of the people that had forgot about his birthday. A few hours went by and Harry was done with the books. He sighed and put the books up then went back to his room. He looked outside and watched as all but Remus was in the air on brooms.

It seemed that they decided to play with the snitch that their dad had. It looked like it was James and the twins and Sirius and Samuel with Remus being the ref even if he was paying more attention to the book he had. It seemed that no one noticed or cared that the birthday boy was sad and lonely. Harry walked down stairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat since it was lunch time. Harry was sitting at the empty dinning room table eating when his godfather came in. Sirius said "Harry cub why don't you have your friends come over and hang out." Harry sadly said "Nevelle and his family is busy celebrating his birthday with his other friends and Cedric is spending quality time with his father and can't come over. They both sent notice this morning saying they wouldn't be able to hang out today." Sirius said "So what about other friends there must be someone you can hang out with since you don't want to hang out with the rest of us."

Harry quietly said " I don't have any other friends and I wasn't invited to hang out. You all made plans without me like usual especially on this day. Its the same as always. No friends, no party, no presents, no cake, no celebrating." Sirius said "Oh well why don't you come out side and we can do something." Harry said "No what's the point in spending today outside besides it looks like its going to start down poring and I don't want to get soaked." Sirius looked and noticed the clouds maybe it would be good to call everyone in. Sirius went and yelled for everyone to come in. as he was waiting the words Harry said finally sunk in and it dawned on him its Harry's birthday and he didn't even say happy birthday to his godson.

Once everyone was in Sirius said "Alright we forgot something. What is the date." Samuel said "Its the 31st of July why." Sirius said "What should we be doing today that we seemed to forget. It has to do with cake, presents, party, celebrating and friends." everyone thought for a moment it didn't make any since they just celebrated Sam's birthday what was so great about today. It then dawned on James and Remus at the same time. They both got guilty looks before saying at the same time "Its Harry's birthday. We haven't even said happy birthday to him." Sam said "I guess we all forget its his birthday with how we never celebrated it after mom died." as the family that seems to keep forgetting about Harry was talking about how they forgot his birthday.

Harry had walked back up to his room and curled into a ball on his bed and cried. He was crying about how no one wanted to celebrate his birthday. His friends didn't his aunt and uncle didn't. His family didn't no one cared about him enough to celebrate the day he was born. Harry cried and wished that he was dead. He wished that he was dead then it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter that his family forgot. It didn't matter that he was around. He wished that he was strong enough to kill himself. He wished that Voldemort killed him that night. That his family would be better off if he was dead. Then they wouldn't forget his birthday. There wouldn't be one for them to forget. He wouldn't wonder why they forgot. Was he never going to be anything more then a waste of space. That he wouldn't want to take up anymore space.

Harry cried as his thoughts kept getting darker and darker. Was thinking about killing himself. He thought about how and where and when. He thought about what he would say in his farewell letter. He didn't hear the knock on his door. He also didn't notice the door open or the people that came into his room. James went and sat on the bed and pulled him into his arms and held his Harry Bambi. He was quite the horrible father wasn't he. He forgot his son's birthday. He even told his son that he was going to celebrate it this year. That they would remember about it and then they didn't. James whispered to Harry as he rocked him back and forth trying to get the boy to calm down. It wasn't working.

  Finally Harry calmed down. All he really wanted was to be told happy birthday and to not be ignored and forgotten. All of the people apologized and wished him a happy birthday. He wasn't happy and it wasn't a good birthday. After that the rest of summer went by fast and it was time for the school year to begin. Harry got up went downstairs to find his family wasn't there Harry looked at a clock and noticed that it was ten in the morning. The Hogwarts express would be leaving in an hour. He went to find the others and couldn't find them this took him 15 minutes. Well it seemed that they forgot him at home. Well its alright he would just floo to the platform just like last year.  

A/N I own neither Harry Potter or the Pictures all rights and credit to owners of both I do own the OCs and the Fanfic plot

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