A not so forgotten Birthday

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The 31st of July came and James walked up to his boys room to wake him. James went into the room and sat on the bed. He then began to wake him up. James said "Harry wake up Harry there is something happening today. Come on breakfast is ready its your favorite." this seemed to wake Harry up. Harry woke up and started to get out of bed as fast as he could. He then fell off his bed. James laughed. James said "Happy birthday Bambi your fourteen." Harry grinned from ear to ear he was so happy that he was told happy birthday by his dad no less. Before James could react he found himself full of a fourteen year old. Harry hadn't hoped that he would be told happy birthday by anyone other then his friends and his Aunt Minnie and Uncle Filius.

So he was shocked and happy that his dad had wished him a happy birthday that he just had to hug him. He then started to sob into his dad. James held his boy as he cried on him. James couldn't figure out if it was happiness or sadness that brought the tears on. Once he calmed down Harry said "I can't remember the last time you told me happy birthday I am so happy that you did." this made James' heart hurt since the last time they celebrated Harry's birthday was the year they found out that Lily was pregnant with the twins. After she died they made no plans or even told the boy happy birthday till now. Well they told him the last few years after he sobbed on his bed since they forgot and left him alone all day. They said it after being reminded that it was his birthday. There was a difference in the two and everyone knew it.

Harry must have felt like they don't care that its his birthday and they only said it to make themselves feel better. Once Harry was ready they walked down to the dining room for breakfast. It seemed that it was just Harry and James no one else was around. Did they eat already. Were they gone. Was this a new way to make Harry understand he wasn't wanted. All of this went through his mind as he went to the table. Harry sat alone as he ate. Harry went from super happy to super sad all with in a few seconds. After eating Harry said "Dad, why does everyone avoid me. Why am I not included with family get togethers, why does Sirius always tell me to leave him alone and go find some one else to bug when I just want to spend time with my godfather, why am I not wanted." All of the questions that came from Harry shocked James.

James couldn't answer why Sirius didn't spend time with Harry James said "Bambi I can't tell you why Sirius doesn't spend time with you. I think a big part of not including you in family get togethers is that it takes time to change after making a habbit of things. I don't think any of us avoid you on purpose its more that we didn't want to disturb your reading when you have a book in your face. Bambi you are wanted very much. I know I want you and I love you so very much. I wish I could go back and take back everything I have done to you. I want to celebrate your Birthday very much so." Harry was still sad. He didn't believe his dad wanted him. How could anyone want the freak that is Harry potter. James wrapped Harry up in a hug. He then whispered "Harry even if its me and you we shall celebrate the day you came into our lives and I love you very much."

Harry and James went out the back of the manor to the quidditch pitch. They decided to do a little father son flying. James didn't know where the others were as he was preparing breakfast which was Harry's favorite he heard Remus and Sirius say that they were taking the twins out for the day. He also heard Sam say he was headed over to the burrow to meet up with Weasley twins. James side. It seemed that it would be him and Harry today. It was alright it would give him time to spend with his child that was now fourteen. After flying for a bit Harry asked if they could go into the muggle world and go to the movies and then go out for dinner. James agreed and they went to the movies. There was several movies for them to choose from. They ended up watching The Mask. James got a whole bunch of snacks and drinks for the two of them. The movie was funny and there was some action and adventure in it. It was a good movie.

The duo walked around the streets for a bit trying to figure out where to go for dinner. They didn't have to worry about a car since they flooed to the Leaky Cauldron and then walked to the muggle street. James planned to find an empty alley to apparate from when they would go home. He hoped that Harry was enjoying his birthday. Hopefully this was a good day for him. After some time they came across a pub. They went into the pub and ordered some food. After eating they decided to apparate home. Harry was tired and ready to go home. James was thinking about talking with Remus and Sirius. He wanted to talk Seriously with Sirius. How can he be Harry's godfather if he doesn't do anything with his godson. James told Harry happy birthday once more. James said "Harry did you enjoy your day. I wish the rest of them would have celebrated today with you." Harry said "I did enjoy today thanks dad for remembering it was the best day."

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the Pictures all credit to the rightful owners I do own this plot and the OCs

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