Sam's Birthday

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this hurt James and the other adults. To know that Harry thought that his birthday didn't matter was another reason that he was neglected. Thinking about it they seemed to beat him on his birthday. It was like they wished he wasn't born. That his birthday was a day to hurt him and tell him how horrible he was and that he should be dead. Harry had thoughts about how much better it would be if he was dead. That he wished that his father and his friends would beat him to death. He wished it so many times often these thoughts happened on his birthday and at Christmas. He thought like this a lot but no one knew. Harry didn't tell anyone about his thoughts. He knew he should but he couldn't tell anyone about them.

Soon it was Sam's birthday and it was like every year. Harry was awoken to noise coming from the living room. As they got ready to celebrate. Harry still believing that he wasn't allowed to be at his brother's party stayed in his room. He put the gift that he made his brother with the other gifts he had made his brother. Every year Harry would make a gift and then he hid it. He couldn't give the gift to his brother so they just gathered dust. It wasn't wrapped just like the others weren't. He looked at the gift that would never begiven or so he believed. He smiled sadly. He knew the last few days were to good to be true. He started thinking about how to end his life. He wanted to die before his family beat him to death after messing with him. He thought that the nice and happy days were just them finding a new way to hurt him. As Harry was listening to the sounds of his brother's party there was a knock on his door. He didn't think anything about it other then it was his dad coming to beat him like he always did on this day. He then would be back in a few days on the 31st to beat him on his own birthday.

The door opened and there in the door way was Sam. Sam said "Harry aren't you going to come down and join us." Harry looked at his brother then said "Why would I join you its not like anyone wants me there." Sam had noticed the gifts that Harry had made for him year after year. Sam picked up the one he made that year for him Sam said "Harry are these for me. They must have cast you a lot." Harry said "Yeah that whole shelf is for you. I made all of them. You can have them if you want there are both birthday and Christmas gifts." after dropping the presents off in his room the two brothers made their way down stairs to the party. Once Harry was there he looked around he didn't know any of the people other then his family and Nevelle's parents. It looked like Nevelle wasn't there just his parents.

Sam was right next to him still. Sam said "Harry I want to introduce you to some people come with me." Harry couldn't imagine who he was about to meet. He didn't realize that one of them would become his significant other. He was almost twelve romance wasn't on his mind yet. Sam grabbed Harry's hand and started dragging him to a group of red heads. Harry thought oh Merlin no not the Weasleys. Harry hated the Weasleys well the few he knew from school like the devil twins and the boy his age. Then there was the prefect he was always telling people what to do it was annoying. Harry stopped dead and pulled his hand away from his brother. He refused to go any further towards the group.

Sam noticed that Harry's hand was no longer in his. He turned and noticed Harry's expression. It seemed that he was both terrified and angry. Sam went up to Harry and whispered "Harry what is wrong. I want to introduce you to my best friends and their brothers." Harry said "I know your best friends and their brothers at least the ones in Hogwarts. Its not like they like me. I was one of their favorite people to torment its not like you stopped it though." Sam realized that Harry was more then likely picked on by the younger one and more then likely Percy nagged him like everyone else. He wasn't surprised by this but what about his best friends Fred and George. They pranked everyone but its not like they did more then that right.

Sam said "Harry I know you probably wont believe me but I promise not let anything happen to you. I promise to be the protecting big brother to you. I want to change how people see you. Its not fair that I hurt you and I let those I know do it too." Harry nodded. He didn't believe his brother but he went with his brother. Once the two boys where there Sam said " Hey guys I want to formally introduce you to my younger brother. You Know Camron and Daniel the youngest but you may not know Harry. Harry this is Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron. Their sister Ginny isn't here. Everyone this is Harry my brother." Harry didn't look up he barely looked at each boy as he was introduced to them. Bill said " Hi Harry its good to finally meet you." Charlie said " Hi Harry its nice to meet you. Haven't really heard anything about you."

Fred and George said " Our favorite Hufflepuff to use as a test subject. So good to see you again." Percy and Ron just huffed. Once Harry heard what the twins said he ran. He ran from the room and went back to his room. He curled up on his bed and cried. He shouldn't have gone down to the party. He should have stayed in his room where he belonged. Bill and Charlie both smacked the back of Fred and George's heads. The two boys then smacked the back of Percy and Ron's heads. Sam watched sadly as Harry ran from the party. Fred and George in unison said " Hey what was that for." Bill said "What did you two do to him." Charlie said "What did Percy and Ron do to him." Sam said "Sorry I just wanted my brother to feel included and I just made him feel worse."

Charlie said "What do you mean Sam isn't Harry always at your birthday party." Sam said "No Charlie he isn't this is the first party he has been too and I just wanted to introduce him to the people I hang out with. I'm a horrible big brother." Bill said "Sam that's not true your a wonderful big brother. We've seen how you are with Camron and Daniel." Sam said "That's just it you guys. I was great to the twins but I was never nice to Harry and it seems that neither was Percy, Fred, George or Ron. It seemed that Harry was harassed by them and me cause I allowed it instead of protecting him like I should have." as this conversation was going on James had watched his boys. When Harry ran from the room he followed. He wanted to know what his Harry bambi was upset about.

He knocked on the door to Harry's room and waited till a small come in was heard. He then walked in closed the door and walked over to Harry's bed. He sat on the bed and asked " what is the matter baby boy? What happened with you and Sam's friends?" he was rubbing his back trying to calm the boy down so he could understand him when he talked. Once Harry was calm enough to talk he slowly looked at his father. Harry said " Daddy Sam's friends don't like me. The twins, Percy and Ron ruthlessly picked on me. Sam always just stood and watched or joined in." James gathered Harry into his arms and rocked him. James said "Harry it will be alright. I'm sure Sam will make sure they don't do it anymore and if they do then you tell one of your uncles or me and we will deal with it alright."

Harry nodded as he continued to cry in his father's arms. He wanted school to start so he could hang out with his friends and stay away from Samuel and his friends.

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the Pictures all rights and credit goes to the owner of Both I do own the OC's and the plot of the Fanfic

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