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As he was running through his memories he noticed the little voice of a scared little five year old begging him not to hurt him that he'll be good. Some more begging and then eventually empty vacant eyes waiting for the end of the beating. As Remus sat and thought about all the awfulness that him, Padfoot and Prongs did to Harry he heard his name being called. Remus decided that he needed to talk to James and Sirius about the treatment of Harry. For one it was wrong and how could they consider him their cub, pup, bambi if they didn't treat him like one. Once Remus was back to the other two he asked "Padfoot, Prongs when I say pup, bambi who do you think of." James said "Well Samuel, Harry, Camron and Daniel why." Sirius said "Samuel, Harry, Camron and Daniel. What about you when we say cub." Remus said "Samuel, Harry, Camron and Daniel. Now that we have a stablished the children lets talk about one in particular that we all seem to forget that they are some one we hold dear but not really."

James said "Which bambi are we talking about Remus and why so serious." Sirius said "No I'm Sirius and which pup are we talking about. We cherish all of them." after chuckling at Sirius is serious pun Remus said "Do we cherish all of them. What did we just do to Harry. By the time we got done he could barely walk to his room which is barely that a room and lets not mention the bed he sleeps on." after a few minutes of thinking Sirius was the first to break the silents. Sirius said "I thought it was odd that my pup was crying and trembling when he grabbed my arm at the station. The moment he was in the house we all began to hurt him simply cause we could. There was no reason for him to be hit. He did nothing wrong. He simply fell like he never apparated with someone before. I promised myself I wouldn't be like my parents yet here I am hurting my pup my godson. I'm just like them."

James said "I'm horrible to my bambi. I should be protecting him. Helping him be the best he could be. Instead I've been hurting him. I've been making him feel like he is nothing. I've been blaming him for everything including the death of Lily." Remus said "Would you like to see his room." the two nodded and headed up to the room. Just like Remus said its barely a room and the bed is broken and on the bed is an abused broken little boy. A boy that is afraid of the adults in his life. Afraid that he is going to get beat just for breathing. It seemed that they called him by cub, pup and bambi when they talked about him to each other but he was a stress relief, a human punching bag. He was convenient for what ever they needed at the moment. James too had picked up on the trembling boy.

He missed taking his son to get his school supplies for the first time. He missed sending him off on the train for the first time. There was a lot of first that he missed with Harry. He was always telling him a rule that he only had to follow. He was always punishing the boy for something. He wasn't punishing his boy he was abusing his boy and he called it punishing him. Oh Merlin what type of example has he been setting for the twins Camron and Daniel. In their eyes hating Harry and beating him would be alright. James said "Not only are we horrible to Harry but the twins are horrible to him simply cause we basically said that it was ok to them we are horrible examples to them. I bet none of us truly know Harry."

the three men had sat on Harry floor staring at the broken bed that held a broken boy. All three of them was surprised that the talking hadn't woken the boy up. Then again he could have been to exhausted from being beat to wake up. Remus said "Happy" a moment later a house elf pop into the room. He said "Yes Remus sir what can I's be doing for you." Remus said "Harry should have woken up with all the noise we are making why hasn't he." Happy looked over at the bed and frowned. He then said "Ever since he was little I's be putting a silence charm on the bed so he no disturbs other members of housey and get into more trouble for waking and disturbing the otherses." the house elf bowed and then popped out.

The reason behind the silent charm on the bed made the three men sad. It made all of their hearts hurt knowing that they are the reason the charm is there in the first place. The three men fell asleep leaning on each other on Harry's floor. In the morning Harry woke up and looked over. When he saw the three men he scrunched up into a ball believing that he would be hurt. If it wasn't for the sudden realization then that might have been the case. Harry just wished that he was away from the manor that he was with his aunt Minnie or uncle Filius. He didn't want to be beat. He was tired of hurting. James was the first one up. He looked at the bed and noticed that it seemed that Harry was up and curled himself into a ball. Harry looked and when he saw James he whimpered and curled into his ball protecting his face totally expecting James to start hitting him.

James had sat on the bed gently placed a hand on Harry's back and watched as he flinched. It hurt to know that he was the cause of the flinch. That he was the cause of so much pain the boy went through. That he was the reason that his bambi was curled into a ball expecting a fist or a spell to hit him. He slowly started to rub his boy's back. He was trying to be gentle as to not hurt his boy more then he already was. James whispered "Harry its ok I'm not going to hurt you I promise. Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot isn't going to hurt you either. The three of us isn't going to hurt you any more. Please look at me. I really want to see those beautiful eyes you share with your mother. Please Harry bambi look at me. I'm here so is Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony." as James was doing this Harry had uncurled it seemed that he wasn't about to get beat.

Harry wasn't sure if he could trust them not to hurt him. Its been so long since they haven't hurt them. The three knew it would take Harry time to trust and believe that they wouldn't hurt him. Harry wasn't sure he wanted to look at them it shocked him when James called him Harry bambi. He was five the last time he was called that. He heard his brothers be called that. Harry still wasn't looking though. James was still rubbing his back when Sirius said "Harry pup I am so sorry for hurting you. I am such a bad godfather to you. Please show us your beautiful green eyes." again shocked he was five the last time he heard Sirius call him pup. Remus said "Harry cub please lets see the beautiful eyes. its time we quit hurting you please let us show you how sorry we are for hurting you." at this point Harry was so shocked that he turned his head.

The three men where greeted with a beautiful set of green eyes. Harry in a small voice said "Daddy no hurt no more." at that moment Harry sounded like a five year old begging his father to make the pain go away. That's how old Harry was when he quit calling James daddy. At five he started calling him father. Then at seven he started calling him James James pulled his small son into his arms and rocked him back and forth and said "I promise baby boy no more hurting you. You can always call me daddy. I love it when you call me daddy. I know Padfoot and Moony loves it when you call them uncle." Harry wasn't ready to call Remus and Sirius by uncle but he might be ready to call them Padfoot and Moony. He doesn't know why but calling his father daddy was just right. Harry said "No uncle don't trust enough to call uncle will call Padfoot and Moony though." the two nodded. To be honest it surprised them that Harry was calling James daddy. Then again it maybe do to the fact that Harry hasn't called him any form of father since he was seven.

The four males made there way down to the dinning room for breakfast. Harry wasn't used to this. He normally ate in his room to stay out of everyone's way. When he did eat down stairs it was before or after the others eat. As he entered the doorway he stiffened up. There at the table was his brothers. He looked down at the floor and refused to go any further. Harry stared at the floor. He was expecting to be hit by his brothers. What he didn't expect was for his brothers to do like the three adults and apologize for beating him and making him feel bad. First came the easiest for him to forgive since they had bad examples and didn't really know any better since they were raised thinking that it was ok to beat Harry.

A/N J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter all credit goes to rightful owner of pictures and I own nothing except the plot and the OCs

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