A Boyfriend, Dating Begins

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the other two teachers gave Snape a look that said you don't treat him like a student. You treat him like he's, his father. Snape knew that he treated Harry unfairly. He was the only Potter child that he did it to. Harry looked just like James with Lily's eyes, so it was hard for him to see Harry as nothing more than the spitting image of James. Even though Lily did help the two of them sort of get along. After spending the day with his aunt and uncle he went back to his dorm room. The time quickly went by with Cedric winning the tournament. Harry and his family went home. Harry still liked Charlie even though the man raped him. He wanted to see the man again. Harry figured that Charlie was the one he wanted. It took him a year to figure that out. It was just that with someone trying to kill him he didn't know if Charlie wanted him. Well, the man did rape him but was that do to being horny or was that I couldn't keep it together cause I like him. Harry had talked to his dad about it and agreed that it was not worth pursueing.

Bill, Charlie and the twins had come over for a visit. Harry was hoping to talk to Charlie alone. Charlie was also hoping to talk to Harry alone. One he wanted to apologize for raping him. He also wanted to ask the boy if they could start to date. He wanted to marry Harry. Charlie had never felt this way about anyone before. Sam had greeted the twins and took them out to the quidditch pitch so they could play with the quaffle. Bill was having a conversation with Sirius. James took Charlie a side. James looked the young man in the eyes and said "Your lucky you're not sitting in Azkaban for raping my son. Harry was adamant that it wasn't worth pursing and pressing charges. Now he wants to talk to you. He is in the library. Don't touch him without permission again." Charlie swalled and said, "Yes sir." James then allowed the boy to go talk to his son. James didn't know why Harry wanted to talk to him, but he figured that it was about the rape. He just wished that all of them had been better to Harry. He may have just threatened Charlie Weasley, but he was being a hypocrite. He should be the one in Azkaban for child abuse and yet here he was with his son who is so forgiving.

Charlie walked to the library and on a couch was Harry reading a book. Charlie cleared his throat and said, "Harry can we talk for a moment." Harry looked up at Charlie and blushed. He was hoping to talk to the man that had captured his heart. Harry said, "Yes we can talk please sit down." Charlie found a seat and looked at Harry. Harry said, "I was wondering why you raped me." Charlie said "I was wanting to talk to you about that. I want to apologize about it. I didn't mean to do it. I like you so much that I just lost it. I wasn't thinking right. There you were and I really like you." Harry looked down it seemed that the man he liked him back. He was so lucky. He was also glad that the man he liked seemed to have lost control of himself and so he ended up being raped. Charlie said, "I wanted to ask you if you would be my boyfriend and go out with me. I'll understand if you don't want to since I raped you."

Harry looked up at Charlie and smiled. Harry said "I forgive you Charlie for that. I really like you too. I would love to call you my boyfriend and go out with you." Charlie smiled and reached out to touch Harry before remembering what James said and stopped. Harry said, "I don't mind if you touch me like any other normal couple would. I would like you to ask before things that involve sex or any other intimate touches other than kissing. Kissing would fall into the normal couple touches." Charlie laughed at that. He then grabbed his hand and held it. Charlie and Harry talked for a bit longer. They walked down to the parlor hand in hand. A house elf had come in and announced that James requested their presence in the parlor for tea. As they walked, they went from hand holding to Harry leaning his head on Charlie's shoulder with Charlie's arm around Harry's waist. That is how the two walked into the parlor gaining the attention of everyone there. The Weasleys and everyone in the Potter household. James had a smile. He may have threatened Charlie, but Harry had also told him that he liked Charlie in a romantic since. So, he hoped that this would work out for his son and that Charlie would take care of him. Help him to overcome all the bad.

Sam's birthday had come with a small party this was on the request of Sam he just wanted to have a small celebration. Now it was Harry's, and he would be fifteen. Charlie had sent a Happy birthday with present. In the letter it explains that he couldn't leave that he was helping a mother dragon as her eggs hatched. Charlie had been over for Sam's birthday and had talked to Harry about what was going on at the sanctuary. That he was lucky to get away for Sam's birthday. That he would try and get away for his, but it wasn't looking like he was going to be able to. He said he was sorry in advance and that he hoped that he would have a great day. Harry was a little sad that Charlie couldn't be there, but he understood. Being a dragon tamer was hard work and sometimes there was no helping it. Harry wo had woken up and got dressed before he headed down for breakfast.

Other than his friends and boyfriend he hadn't planned on gifts or a happy birthday greeting. Harry walked into the informal dining room where they ate all their meals. It was empty but there was food on the table waiting. Harry sat down and started to gather food. He was used to being alone even if his dad was doing better at remembering him. As he began to eat his dad joined him. James said, "Morning Harry Bambi Happy Birthday." Harry said, "Morning dad thank you." shortly after Sam and the twins came in. Sam said, "Morning dad." James said, "Morning Sam." Camron said "Morning dad." Daniel followed with "Morning dad. Happy Birthday Harry." this last sentence shocked both James and Harry." Harry quietly said, "Thankyou Daniel." James said, "Morning Camron, Daniel." Sirius and Remus both came in shortly greeting everyone but Harry with a good morning. Harry had gotten up from the table his apatite gone. Daniel was done eating and got up too. Harry left headed for the library when Daniel said, "Harry wait up please." Harry stopped and turned. Gave a small smile to the youngest of his brothers. He may not like his godfather, but he loved his brothers. Daniel said, "Harry come with me I have something for you. Uncle Severus helped me pick it out. He said it would be something that you would enjoy." Harry went with his brother. What would Snape know about what he would enjoy or not.

There was no way the one teacher that hated him knew him enough to help his brother pick out a decent birthday gift. When Harry got to the twin's room with Daniel he was ushered inside, and the door was closed. He then was directed to a bed to sit on. Why he sat on the bed waiting for his gift he looked around the room of his twin brothers. He smiled at the décor it was all about quidditch. He also noticed that it had magical creatures as well. Daniel came out of the closet with a package. Harry smiled a bit it was wrapped kind of messy. Harry unwrapped the gift and took a look at the book that it was. He didn't have the heart to tell his brother that it was one that he already had. It was a book on healing magic. Harry said, "Thank you Daniel the book is wonderful." Daniel said, "Truly you like it. Uncle Severus said that you want to be a Medi wizard when you graduate." Harry said, "Daniel I don't want to be a Medi wizard but a full healer." Daniel said "Thats cool I'm glad you like my gift. I love you, Harry."

 Harry said "I love you too Daniel. Thank you for the gift I'm going to go put it up alright." Harry left the room and went to his room. In there he stuck the book by the other copy he already had. 

AN I do not own Harry Potter or the picture all rights to the owners of both.

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