A Horrible Thing Continued

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The healer ran a couple more test he wasn't prepared for the results of these two. As he waited, he asked a couple more questions things like did he have a potion accident toward the end of school. Did someone not like him enough to try killing him. As far as James knew no but Harry barley spoke and said, "there was an accident with a potion towards the end of school Iwas covered in a potion gone wrong and Madame Pomphrey took care of it right away." the delayed symptom one came back negative and the one for poison came back positive. Once the healer got his result, he picked Harry up and told the others to come quickly they had to get Harry to St Mungos right away or he could die. He didn't have the stuff with him to cure Harry in the home. That he had questions that would need to be answered and that he would answer any questions there. Harry threw up shortly after arriving. The healer rushed to a room and then placed him on a bed. He had done a test to find out which poison he needed to treat.

It seemed that whichever one it was it was one of the few that a bezoar wouldn't cure. He would need the antidote. In order to do that he would have to discover which poison he was dealing with. He was standing over Harry running spell after a spell to figure out which rare poison and if there was a magical signature. Harry's father was in the room with him the rest of the family would have to wait outside for the time being. Remus had gone about distracting the twins while Sirius and Sam talked quietly. Sam asked, "Am I going to lose my brother is he going to die." Sirius said, "No he'll be fine we just have to wait." the healer had figured everything out crud he didn't have this antinode on file, and he would have to get the one man to brew it. The problem is the brewing was a long one. He wasn't sure if they had that long of time. The healer said, "James I need to get a hold of Severus Snape he's the only one that can brew the antidote for Harry." James said, "He should be outside with the others by now I contacted him and told him I need him to watch his godson and brother for a bit."

the healer was glad that the man was here he opened the door and sure enough the man he needed was sitting with a small smile as he listened to one of the twins as they talked. The healer said, "Severus can you come here I need your help." the man got up entered the room and said, "What do you need from me healer." the healer said, "I need the antidote for this poison." the man showed the showed him the paper that had the poison on it. Snape sighed he had this antidote at home. He looked over to the boy that would die if he didn't get it and by the looks of it soon. Severus said, "I don't have time to brew it Harry will die before I could finish it." the healer said, "Then I shall get the boy's family and friends to tell him bye before he dies" Severus said, "Not for a final goodbye but a get well soon since I just so happen to have a vial of the antidote at home, I'll be quick and bring it."

 the healer walked over and talked with James. They were discussing who could want the boy dead to use such as low acting poison that once it surfaced that it took the victim quickly. They ruled out Voldemort. It then suddenly dawned on him James said, "Dumbledore that old manipulative bastard."  

A/N I don't own Harry Potter, or the Pictures credit goes to the owner of Both. I own the OCs and the Plot of the Fanfic

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