Unexpected date

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Soon after Harry was allowed to leave with Cedric since nothing further was coming forth other than when the first task would be held. Cedric and Harry talked on the way back to the common room. Said "Harry you know that was really smart of you. Otherwise, I think you would have been forced to compete in something that you really didn't want to do. Harry said "I know Ced I hope you win. You are a strong wizard." once in the common room the two bid each other good night and went to their rooms. Harry was nervous for his friend. He hoped that his friend would win and be fine, but he also knew that it was going to be extremely hard. The morning of the first task came early and cold.

Harry wasn't looking forward to this. His friend was putting his life on the line for something stupid. He walked with the rest of his friends down to the place where the task would take place. Harry watched the task with dread and fear. He was fearful for the champions and dreaded that something serious was going to happen. After the task was completed, he went to find Cedric. He was wanting to hug his friend and make sure he was alright. After making sure he was fine the two friends walked back to the school. It was announced that a Yule ball would be held and that all fourth years and above would be attending and that any of the lower years could only attend if an older year invited them as a date. So, Harry watched as his friend's all found dates. He even saw his siblings find dates. Harry didn't want to go so he didn't plan on asking or accept anyone's invite to the ball.

Harry was asked one day by Neville. Neville said, "Harry are you not going to ask someone to the ball. Harry said "No I wasn't planning on going to the ball. Besides no one would want to go with me to the ball. Cedric is going with Cho Chang, you're going with Ginny Weasley and Luna is going to go with Anthony Goldstein. There is no one I want to go with, and I really don't want to go." Cedric said, "Harry you have to go to the ball it be fun." Harry doubted it would be fun there was no reason to go and be bored. Harry shook his head. There was a rumor that Fluer Delacour was going with a Durmstrang and Viktor Krum had yet to ask someone to the ball. Harry was out walking on the grounds when Viktor had come up to him. Viktor and Harry had gotten close as the time progressed. Krum said, "Harry will you do me the honor and go to the ball with me." Harry said, "I would love to go with you Viktor." Harry groaned now he was going to the ball and with Viktor Krum no less. Well wont this be a surprise for his friends. The day of the ball arrived, and Harry was in his room getting ready to meet Viktor.

Harry left to meet Viktor after the others had left. Using secrete passages he made it to the entrance hall where they would meet to go into the Great Hall for the dance. Harry will have to dance with Viktor to open the dance how lovely. As Harry was about to descend the steps his friends spotted him. They all figured that he decided to come anyhow. So, they all were surprised when Viktor Krum met him as he descended the stars. The ball opened with a dance after dinner was done. Harry danced with Viktor for a few songs then the two of them took a walk around the grounds at some point ending near the Durmstrang ship. The two had talked and got to know each other better. Viktor said, "Harry have you ever had sex before." Harry hesitated did he tell the man no or does he tell the man he was raped. Harry said, "I have not had sex willingly before." Viktor thought about that and said, "So I take it that you are a virgin still." Harry said "No I'm not a virgin. The one-time I had sex it was done unwillingly on my part in other words I was raped."

 Viktor said, "I'm sorry that happened to you. When did it happen." Harry said, "I got sick during the World cup and the man that went with me back to the tent did it why Iwas unable to do anything or even think clearly." Viktor said, "I want to have sex with you Harry will you allow me to show you what it's like to have consensual sex." Harry said, "No I'm not ready for something like that." Viktor nodded he was disappointed, but he didn't want to make the young man uncomfortable with him. He did plan on perusing the boy. Maybe some time later after they get to know each other he will be willing to have sex with him. They returned to the ball and danced a bit more. Harry and Viktor went back to their respected places and the ball came to an end. This year Harry and his family would be spending it at Hogwarts in his father's rooms. He didn't think that Christmas would change for him. He would have woken up and have five gifts to open.

A/N I do not own the picture or Harry Potter all rights of both go to their rightful owners. I do own the OCs. 

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