Back to School

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Once at Hogwarts Harry was sent to his house dorm to settle in and then he would be allowed to spend time with his friends. As Harry entered into the house common room, he was greeted by everyone in his house it seemed that everyone was worried about him. Cedric came up to him and hugged him. He was glad to see his friend. Harry with the help of Cedric took his trunk to his room and the two unpacked his things into his room. After that was done the two friends left the dorms and made their way to the meet up spot for the four friends. Harry was wrapped in a hug by Luna first and then by Nevelle. They talked for a while before it was time for Harry to leave. The healer had told Harry he had to take it easy for a couple of weeks. He could go to class and hang out with friends, but he had to rest as much as possible since he was still recovering from being poisoned. He may be fine to do things, but his body will tire sooner than it did before at least for the first couple of weeks since he was relaced from the hospital and being healed of a deadly poison. Harry went and found his Aunt Minnie and Uncle Filius on Sunday when he returned to school. Both of them was relieved to see him and gave him a hug and told him they missed him.

He talked with them and told them what the healer found out about why he was missed treated at home after his mum died. Both Filius and Minervia were pissed. They would kill the meddling old fool they called a headmaster. They had told Harry about the Triwizard tournament that would be starting in a couple of weeks and how the other schools would be arriving soon for it. Before Harry knew it a week had passed, and he was tired and decided he wasn't leaving the dorm on Saturday. Before he knew it time seemed to fly, and it was time for the other two schools to arrive. Harry had noticed that something seemed off, but he could figure out what it was yet. The school was buzzing about the upcoming event and how it was going to be amazing to watch. Harry didn't think it was all that great. The tournament was deadly and shouldn't have been brought back. Halloween came and with it the choosing of the champions. First came Miss Fleur Dulquer for Bauxbaton then came Viktor Krum for Durmstrang and last came Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts. After Cedric's name was read Dumbledore started to say something when the goblet of fire spit out a fourth name a fourth Champion.

That champion was Harry Potter. Harry was speechless he was nowhere near the cup. He didn't need or want the recognition he was underage as well. Harry walked into the room with the others and went over to Cedric. His friend knew something was wrong that something had happened, and Harry was terrified. Cedric wrapped his friend up in a hug and said, "What happened Harry." Harry said, "I don't know how but someone put my name into the goblet, and it came out of the cup just now I don't know what happened." Cedric was speechless his friend was nowhere near the cup he should know. He couldn't have done it. It seemed like someone wanted his friend dead. First, he was poisoned now in a deadly tournament. Cedric said "I know Harry you didn't leave the dorms at all during the time it was open to put names in. do you know who could have put your name in." Harry said, "The only one I know of is Dumbledore he is the one that poisoned me." Cedric nodded. The other champions heard the conversation, so they too believed what the friends were talking about.

It wasn't long after that when the head of the three schools came in Snape, James, Sirius, Remus and McGonagall. James quickly went to his son and pulled him into a hug. He knew that Harry wouldn't do something like this. He figured it was more than likely Dumbledore trying to kill his son. The officials from the ministry came and asked if Harry put his name into the goblet or if he got someone else to do it for him. Harry denied it so did his dad, godfather, uncle Moony and so did Snape. Afterwards Harry was told he would have to compete since it was a magical binding contract and Harry shocked everyone when he said "Yes, it is magical binding contract, and it would be binding to the person who put my name into the goblet and not to me so there for I shouldn't have to compete but the person responsible for my name going in there. So let see it. I believe the spell is Contracto Revelio." a moment later four contracts laid in his open hand one for Cedric one for Fleur one for Viktor and surprisingly one for Vincent Finaggin. A Seventh year Gryffindor that was firmly on Dumbledore's side and was apparently ordered by Dumbledore to put Harry's name into the goblet with the intent on Harry competing and having Harry more than likely die during one of the tasks now with this new development it wasn't going to happen.

 James and the others were realived when the action Harry took here to clear up his name and get out of the tournament. McGonagall had gone and grabbed the boy that would now be competing due to his stupid move.  

AN I don't own Harry Potter or the pictures. all rights reserved and go to the owners of both.

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