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Time passed and it was soon Halloween. Harry hated Halloween almost as much as he hated Christmas. Halloween always was a day for Harry to be beat for no reason other then it was the day Peter betrayed them and let the dark lord in to try and kill him and his brother. Christmas was a day that he was beat and told that it was a present and that he was a horrible child. So he was hoping to avoid people that day.

    Unfortunately for Harry it was Thursday so he had classes. That also meant he would see his least favorite professors. He was more then likely to be beat by his brother. Hopefully he will be able to avoid his brother and that he wont be hit by the others. Harry's classes went slowly and he was stop by both James and then by Lupin. He was yelled at and beaten by the three professors. They had quit yelling and beating him for making friends. Now it was just the normal it's your fault the dark lord attacked. You should have did back then. Things would be better if he was dead. That he should die now and not waste anymore space or oxygen. Things like that. He thought about it over and over again. He was in his room thinking about killing himself.

    He wasn't going to the feast. He didn't want to look at people. With the way he was feeling he didn't want to see anyone not even his friends. His two friends knew that he wasn't going to be there he told them that he just wanted to take some time and think about his mom. He knew that she loved him. She was the one person that seemed to like him. He may not remember her clearly but even if she would forget about him for a bit or even neglect him. She always remembered shortly after ward and would go find him. She would apologize for forgetting him. She would cuddle him, play with him and tell him that no matter what she loved him. The day she died devastated him. He knew the one person that would love him was gone. Now he was thinking about joining her.

Harry felt that being dead and with his mom would be better then living. Death was easy and free. Where as living was hard and it hurt. The next day  things went back to normal it seemed that Harry missed the drama that unfolded in the great hall. Someone had stormed in raving about a troll in the dungeons and then fainting. Dumbledore had the nerve to send everyone back to their common rooms. Well that wasn't to smart with the Slytherins being in the dungeons. Luckily the troll was dealt with before someone got hurt or killed. Time flew quickly and it was coming up to the Christmas holiday. The school would be on break till after the new year. Harry was going to be spending Christmas at the school hopefully with his aunt Minnie and uncle Filius.

A/N Harry Potter is owned by J.K Rowling I own nothing all credit goes to the rightful owners of the pictures.

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