Spending time with Dad

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The end of the year came and they went home. Harry sat in a compartment with his friends. They talked about meeting up at the quidditch world cup and spending time there. As they got close Harry and Luna both seemed to see the same thing. Death eaters tormenting muggles and setting tents on fire at the world cup. As the two blinked and looked around. They caught each others eyes and then nodded. They silently agreed to tell the others. Harry said "Something is going to happen at the world cup and its not going to be good." Luna agreed with Harry. They both shivered. Once at King Cross Harry waited for the throng of people leaving the train to thin out. As he did he noticed that the family was waiting for him. He got up and made his way over to the family that keeps forgetting him.

He was told to grab onto his father along with Sam. Why the others came along with the other two adults. Once back at the manor the daily summer routine began. Harry would get up and no one would say anything to him. He then would go to the library or to his room and try not to think negatively about it. It was hard for him not to spiral into the dark thought that plagued his mind. He often wrote his three friends. He pet his cat a lot but all he wanted was for someone in his family to say hi to not forget him. To not ignore him. It seemed that was to much to ask. It was soon the 8th of July a year ago he attempted to commit suicide he was thinking he might be able to not attempt but succeed in doing it this year. As he was thinking it would work this time his father came into his room and hugged him.

Harry sobbed into his daddy. He didn't like the dark thoughts he kept having he sobbed as his daddy hugged him. James said "Hey what is the matter baby boy." Harry cried and sobbed out "I don't like the thoughts in my head that tell me to die it would be better to die." James picked his son up and walked with him to a room. stardust was following behind as the man walked. James went and picked up an album and then walked to the couch. He sat with a sobbing Harry on his lap. Stardust had started to rub against Harry's hand. Harry started to pet the cat and began to calm down. It seemed that stardust was a good idea. After calming down. James said "Now lets look at some pictures. These pictures are ones that have been token before and after your mum died."

James and Harry sat and looked at pictures. The two noticed that after Lily died the pictures with Harry grew less and less till eventually none of the pictures had him in them. James said "Harry why don't you and I spend some time together without the other boys. With out uncle Moony or uncle Padfoot. Just me you and stardust." Harry said "Yeah sure I would like that. What would we do." James thought for a bit before he said "Well what do you think we should do as the two of us." Harry said "I want to see a Nundu." James said "Alright we shall go see the Nundu if we can spot the illusive creature. We are going to the world cup this year." James and Harry planned their trip. Harry needed this. He needed time with his dad. He wanted to spend time with Sirius as well but it seemed that Sirius didn't want to spend time with Harry.

A few days later James and Harry left on their trip to see if they could find a Nundu. Harry had read about the magical creature and it seemed that they were very rare to see. Since they are fast as hell and hard to spot. He hoped he could see one and he would be able to take a picture of it. There time seemed to fly by on the last day Harry got his wish and saw a Nundu. He took pictures of the animal before it was gone. Harry was very happy. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy. He talked about how lucky they were to see one and that he got pictures of the animal. Its like the animal knew Harry wanted to see it and allowed him to take pictures. James was glad that his Bambi was happy. He couldn't believe what he's done to this boy. That it was patchily his fault for the negative thoughts that go through his boys head.

A/N I own the OCs and the plot I do not own the pictures or Harry Potter all credit goes to the rightful owners of both

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