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the healer had heard what the boy said and decided to respond to it. The Healer said "yes the side effect of the antidote at least one of them. You should have other side effects as well. This may include numbing limbs, headache, pin stabbing pain in the hands, feet and calves, itching all over, and stomach cramps. Let us know when you feel anything like this. Here take this it should help with your current side effect." the healer then handed over a vial for Harry to take. Harry toke it easily and made a face of discuss as the potion didn't taste good. In fact, it was vial. It made his stomach turn. It wasn't long after Harry woke up that a tray of food had appeared for him. Harry ate slowly and savored the food. He couldn't eat much but it was more than the healer thought he would eat which was a good thing. James talked with him for a bit before Harry said, "Dad I feel like needles are parsing my hands and feet." James said, "What about your calves does it feel like that there too." Harry said, "Yeah just not as bad as my hands and feet." James called for the healer. Once he heard the side effect, he gave him a potion to take that would help.

 It wasn't long after the potion that Harry fell asleep. Sirius walked in right after he fell asleep. Sirius said, "How is he doing." James said "Ok the side effects are hurting him hopefully he won't have to many side effects from the antidote. Hopefully we can leave soon and take him to Hogwarts. Iknow his friends are worried about him." Harry woke up the next day. He was able to get up and walk around. He seemed to be doing fine. The healer said that he wanted to keep him one more day before letting him go. At this point the healer had cleansed every one of the potions that was in their system from the lemon drops. Harry was bored he didn't want to be at the hospital anymore, but he knew it was good for him. The next day came, and James was able to check him out as he was discharged from the hospital. The others with his brothers had gone to Hogwarts. James and Harry would be there later that day. Luckily the day was Saturday. It would give Harry time to get settled and ready to go back to school. Allow him time with his friends.

AN I don't own Harry Potter or the Pictures all rights go to the rightful owner of both.

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