Headed to Hogwarts

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warning mention of abuse, suicide and suicidal thoughts if sensitive to any of these topics then you have been warned.

Finally Harry's eleventh birthday. He finally got his Hogwarts letter. He knew he would be going to Diagon Alley alone. There was no way his family was going to allow him to go with them when they went to get his brother's school supplies. Samuel would be entering his third year. Harry knew that he would be beaten for not getting into Gryffindor. Harry knew that he wasn't going to go into the house that he was expected to go into. Samuel was a proud Gryffindor. Harry knew that he was headed for either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. He knew that Gryffindor and Slytherin was out. He didn't have the brave and stupidity of Gryffindor and didn't have the cunning and ambition that was a Slytherin. He did have the smarts and the wisdom for Ravenclaw and he did have the kindness' and Loyalty of Hufflepuff.

The day after he got his letter he went to Diagon Alley. He flooed over after he was left in the manor alone. The rest of the Potters had gone over to the Weasley's for the day. So Harry went to get his school supplies. After getting money from his trust vault at Gringotts. He quickly made his way through the stores and gathered his supplies. He didn't get a pet knowing that he wouldn't be allowed to keep it. He went back to the manor after getting every thing on his list. His wand was custom made and not from Ollivander's. His wand was 11 ¾ inches blood oak and elder wood with Thestral hair and dementor cloak core. Harry was home two hours before his family arrived home from their day out. Harry had hidden his school supplies so no one would see them yet.

The family made their way to Harry's room. The outing didn't go as well as they planned so now Harry was going to be the stress relief. The adults had token to using magic on Harry. So after a few hours of being beaten by both fist and magic Harry had submerged into the darkness and passed out. It was several hours before Harry woke back up. He kept wishing that the month would fly by and that school would start. Harry didn't know that his tormenters would all be at Hogwarts this fall as well. For you see James would be taking the position of DADA teacher. Where as Remus along with Sirius would be taking over History of Magic. The old teacher for History of Magic was exercised from the school it was about time they got rid of the ghost teacher professor Binns. The DADA teacher just quit. The first of September came. Harry was up early. He packed his trunk the day before. That morning Harry left really early for platform 9 ¾. He wanted to leave before his tormenters could leave so he could avoid them.

Harry flooed onto the platform two hours before the train left. He found a compartment on the train quickly and easily. He then stayed there and read. His family didn't show up till ten minutes till eleven. It was also when the Weasley's showed up. He had token to people watching why waiting. He watched as families hugged and promised to write each other and that they would see each other at the holiday's. At times Harry wished that his family was like that with him but he knew it was a dream. There was no way in hell that Harry would be loved or excepted by his family. Harry watched as his younger brothers hugged his older brother and said their good byes. James hugged him.

 He noticed the Longbottom's were there as well. They told their goodbyes to Samuel then they all said goodbye to the Longbottom's son Nevelle. Harry knew better then to try to make friends since it wouldn't belong and his family would do something to get the friend to leave. Just cause he knew not to make friends didn't mean he didn't desire for friendship. Harry desperately wanted a friend. He didn't want to be lonely and he wanted a place he could go that wasn't the place he lived. He didn't consider Potter manor a home. How can it be home when he was abused and neglected. How could the place where your tormenters live be a home. Soon the train was moving and Harry went back to reading the runes book he was reading earlier.

A/N J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter I own nothing other then my OC's any pictures go to original artist and all credit goes to rightful owners.

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