Antidotes and Realizations

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no one could understand why Dumbledore would do something like this. Why try and kill Harry it didn't make since. Not long after Severus left, he popped back in with the vial. The healer walked over to Harry and helped him take the potion before Harry fell asleep. Now it was a waiting game and hoping that the boy lived. That they got the antidote to him in time. James could not lose his son. He would be devastated if he lost one of his kids. It had been several hours since the antidote was given, and it was looking like it was too late. That Harry would die anyways. James had sat by his son's side and refused to move or eat anything. He was thinking back on everything. From the night that Voldemort attacked to him blaming Lily's death on Harry.

To the abuse that followed. To the making up and finally allowing himself to love Harry like he should have the whole time. Like he did love him the whole time, but it seemed that whenever he questioned what he was doing and why he did its Dumbledore would be there. That old bastard would tell him that abusing Harry was for the greater good. That it was all for the greater good. What did that man do to get James and the others to believe that the beating of Harry to neglect and to abuse him was somehow part of the greater good. He started to think back to his school days. He had listened to Voldemort talk about changing things. About how he wanted muggleborns to adapt to the wizarding world and to change how they thought by giving classes to them to help them understand. To give rights to werewolves and other creatures that had restrictions on them. How he wanted to open magical orphanages, so orphans didn't have to go live in the muggle world. To help protect the wizarding world from muggles. He had some great points and ideas and was trying to better the world for the greater good but then he was disagreeing and siding with Dumbledore. It didn't make since. Wait a moment the blasted lemon drops that the old bastard always gave out. He wondered if it was dosed in something to make him think the way Dumbledore wanted him too. James stood up all of a sudden. Scared the tar out of Remus.

James saw Remus and said "Moony is there a way for you to get a lemon drop from the old bastard. Remus said, "Sure I shouldn't eat it should I." James said "No I want the healer to do some test on it. Why don't you Sam goes and tell the headmaster what is going on and bring back a couple of lemon drops." Remus said "Sure Prongs be back shortly. Why they waited Remus and Sam made their way to the headmaster to talk to him about how Harry was doing. Dumbledore had asked them to let him know when he found out that Harry was sick. When the two knocked on the door they were let in right away. Dumbledore said "Remus, Sam Lemon drop. How is Harry." Remus and Sam both took a lemon drop and pretended to eat it. Before putting them in the pocket. Remus said "Harry is sleeping. We are waiting for him to wake up." Sam said "The healer thinks he might go into a magical coma since he wasn't sure if the antidote from the poison was given in time. We all hope it was. I can't lose my brother I love him so much." Dumbledore said "I'll let you get back to him. I'll expect to hear good news and that he wakes up soon. Let me know alright boys." they both nodded and left. Remus apparated the two of them back to St. Mungos.

 They gave the healer the lemon drops and he started to run test on them. It seemed that Harry had slipped into a magical coma it had been days since the antidote was given and he should have woken up. School was about to start back up. James had contacted Dumbledore and told him to find a sub that he wouldn't beat school till Harry woke up. The others had told him the same thing. The results of the lemon drop test had come back and like James thought the drops were dosed in a potion that would make the eater respond positively to suggestions like abuse or to side with him. It was all based around the phrase for the greater good. The healer had done a complete cleans of James, Remus, Sirius and was getting ready to do one on Sam when Harry woke up. James ran to the bedside of his boy and said "Harry Bambi how are you feeling. Are you alright now baby." Harry looked at his dad and said "Daddy I feel ok. My body feels like it's on fire though."

A/N I don't own Harry Potter or the pictures all rights go to the owners of both I do own the OCs

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