The Sorting

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Harry Potter Sorting hat

Harry Potter parseltounge

Harry Potter letters/schoolwork

He had several books layed on the seat next to him. After runes he planned to read the advanced potion book then the arithmancy book. He even had a book to help him cope with his seer abilities. Harry spent the train ride alone in his compartment. He bought some snacks when the trolley came by. He put his robes on about ten minutes before it came to a stop. After the train stopped he exit and walked over to were Hagrid was calling for the first years. After the boat ride Harry perked up and looked up when he heard a females voice. He smiled at her. It was his godmother Minerva McGonagall or as he called her Aunt Minnie. She was firm and strict but nice and kind as well. She was one of the few adults Harry liked and could trust.

The other person Harry trusted completely was Filius Flickwick or as he called him Uncle Filus. He was nice and kind as well. Harry listened as his aunt gave a mini speech before checking to see if they were ready in the great hall for them. Some ghost had shown up and was shooed away as she came back. She lead them into the hall so they could be sorted. Harry looked up at the head table and gulped. Great three people he really didn't want to see was sat at the table. As he scanned the table he stopped smiled and waved at uncle Filius. He then moved on noted that his brother Camren's godfather Severus was there. Before being sorted Dumbledore made an announcement about the forest being forbidden and the third floor  was off limits unless you wanted to die a most painful death and then the sorting happened. His aunt sat a hat on a four legged stool. The hat then opened up and sang:

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

but don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

a smarter hat then me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

your top hats sleek and tall,

for I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

and I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

the Sorting Hat can't see,

so try me on and I will tell you

where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

where dwell the brave at heart,

their daring, nerve and chivalry,

set Gryffindor's apart;

you might belong in Hufflepuff

where they are just and loyal,

those patient Hufflepuffs are true,

and unafraid of toil;

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