Summer part 2

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Samuel said "Why is the owl waiting wont you be sending a reply with your own owl Harry." Harry got sad it was one of the rules no pets. So he didn't have an owl. Harry sadly replied "Bandit is waiting for a reply cause I don't have a pet owl. One of the many special rules daddy set was no pets." James looked guilty did he really come up with a list of special rules for Harry that included no pets. Harry waited till after he was done eating before he read Cedric's letter. The letter went as follows:

Dear Harry,

How are you? I hope things aren't two bad at your place. Remember if it gets to bad you can always stay with me. My father said that if you need a place to crash for a few days you are welcome. You are my friend and so he will welcome you into his house. You know you can also go to Nevelle's house as well. Bandit will wait till you writeback. Since I know you don't have an owl of your own. I bet that Nevelle will be writing to you too. It will be soon more then likely. He worries about you too. Just know that we are your friends and we care about you. Harry things are bound to get better keep us updated. I will write again. I await your reply.

Your best friend

Cedric Diggory.

Harry laughed. Cedric didn't have to sign his full name. Harry got up found a piece of parchment ink and a quill. He started to write a reply to Cedric on how things were going. As he was writing Sirius asked "Harry pup who are you writing to." Harry said "To my best and first friend Cedric Diggory." Remus said "Harry cub why do you say first friend surely you had friends before now." Harry quietly and sadly said "No another special rule daddy set no friends. I even got beat when you all found out Cedric was my friend. It was a constant punishment till you figured out Cedric wasn't going to quit being my friend." the three men looked at each other. It seemed that they made his school life just as bad as his home life.

James said "Harry bambi how many and what all are the special rules I set for you." Harry said "I lost track of how many but I named two no pets, no friends, no brooms, no flying, no waking you up, no being seen, no crying, no begging for punishments to end, must say it was my fault even if it wasn't, no eating with the rest of us, no asking for things, must do chores by myself, no fighting, no arguing, no defending, always except yelling, no presents, no giving presents and that's all of them." Samuel said "Is that why I never got a present from Harry dad made a rule saying he couldn't. Harry are you really friends with Cedric Diggory. He's not even in the same year as you. He is a year above me." Harry nodded. He wasn't sure where this was going and he wasn't wanting to be beat. All of a sudden Harry paused in his letter to Cedric and froze.

The others not knowing what was going on watch him. He had this unfocus look as he saw a vision. In this vision he saw himself in a graveyard and the dark lord was back. The dark lord had features of a snake. The dark lord was trying to kill him asking him how he survived that night. That the light may think that his older brother was the one but no it was Harry that survived the killing curse that night. Voldemort wanted to know is how it happened. Of course Harry didn't know. He then came out of the trance and quickly added the vision to the letter he was writing Cedric. He then handed the letter to Bandit and he flew off out the window. James said "Well then why don't we get rid of all of the special rules and Harry what happened when you blanked out." Harry sighed. He knew he should tell his father about the visions. That he was a seer.

Harry said "Daddy I'm different I'm a seer I had a vision. One I don't like one that changes the dynamics of everything. He's going to come back and he's going to use my blood to do it. I'm the one he went after that night. I'm the boy who lived." James quickly picked up a crying Harry. He didn't care that his baby boy was almost twelve. It seemed it didn't matter to Harry either. At this moment Harry was scared boy that needed his daddy's loving protecting embrace. Harry cried as his dad comfort him. What were they going todo. Knowing things Harry had bottled up this knowledge for a longtime. It would have been hard on him. Knowing that he couldn't tell anyone what he was seeing. Knowing that he would more then likely be beat and told that he was making it up.

Harry cried himself to sleep on his daddy's shoulder. James sat on a couch with his sleeping son on him. He put a silencing spell so they wouldn't wake him as they talked. Sam said "Well now we know why I always felt like the title the boy who lived felt wrong to me. I never liked the title and it didn't feel like I was the boy who lived now we know that it was truly Harry." the rest nodded. Camron and Daniel was told to go play why the older people talked about some serious stuff. The twins quickly went they didn't want to hear about boring stuff anyways. Remus said "so it seems that Harry has a heavy burden to bare. Not only will he defeat the dark lord once and for all but he see visions. Well else do we not know about him."

A/N J.K Rowling owns Harry Potter all credit goes to the rightful owner of the pictures I own nothing except the plot and the OCs

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