Harry gets two pets

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In reality the two birds loved Harry and they seemed to think his hair needed to be attended to every time they saw him. That he needed to be examined. If James looked more closely than he did he would notice the owls sat on his shoulders and then pecked and preen his hair like if he was their chick. James said "Harry how about tomorrow you and I go to the pet store in Diagon alley and get you an owl of your own and another pet what ever you want." Harry said, "really you'll get me a pet and an owl." James said "Yeah now its late go to sleep." it was late it was almost midnight when Harry finally got done crying." Harry said "Daddy will you sleep with me I don't want to be alone with the negative thoughts." James made Harry move over and got settled on the bed. The two of them fell asleep shortly after that.

The next day after getting ready the two males left. At the pet store Harry picked out a beautiful snowy owl. He then went and checked out the other pets he really wanted a cat. He walked along and checked out the cats. He found a male cat that he wanted. The cat was white with black ears and paws. His eyes matched his own emerald green. His tail also had black at the tip. Once he had his two pets and the supplies to take care of them, they went to the ice cream shop and then to the book store. After that they flooed home. James Said, "Harry Bambi what are you going to name them. Harry thought for a moment and said "the owl her name is going to be Hedwig and the cat his name is going to be stardust." James said "an interesting name for a cat. Why don't you take Hedwig to the owlery so she can get to know the other two owls and become familiar with her new home and you can take Stardust to your room so he can explore it."

Harry left to the owlery so Hedwig could be free of her cage. Harry couldn't wait to tell his friends of his pets. Harry sent letters outtelling his friends that the owl was his and he had a cat that he named stardust. That he was having negative thoughts and he was in a bad place. Other then that the rest of his summer went alright. Harry wasn't left at home by his family when it came to leaving for Hogwarts. It was time that his twin brothers came to Hogwarts. Harry had token both his cat and the owl with him to Hogwarts. Stardust was more of a support animal and would be going with him to classes and Hedwig would be his pet. James told Dumbledore that Harry needed Stardust so he could cope and hopefully wouldn't try to commit suicide again. Dumbledore agreed.

He liked Harry and was sad when he found out that the boy tried to commit and easily agreed to let the boy have the support animal so he would feel safe. Dumbledore had informed the staff about Harry's cat and its presents in all of his classes including potions. Snape had no issues with the animal being in class as long as he didn't disturb the potions that was being made. The year went by quickly for Harry.

A/N I own neither Harry Potter or the Pictures credit and rights to owners of both I do own the Plot and the OCs

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