A not so forgotten Christmas

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Harry woke the next morning and looked at the small pile of five presents. There they were One from Neville, Luna, Cedric, Aunt Minnie and Uncle Filius just like always no other presents. Harry opened his presents then preceded to find his Aunt Minnie and Uncle Filius to thank them for his gifts. He walked to the great hall and found them there. After eating something and thinking his aunt and uncle for the gifts he left he was headed to the astronomy tower where he was planning on spending some alone time. He needed time to think. He was sad and lonely. He was tired of being forgotten. It seemed that another Christmas would be going bye with him not being included with his family. Harry sat at the edge of the tower looking out to see the grounds. He could see friends out playing in the snow. It seemed that most of the people had opened their gifts already and was now playing in the snow. He could see a snowball fight happening. As he sat there someone else had arrived looking for the black-haired boy. As Harry watched people a voice spoke and said, "What are you doing here my Harry Bambi." Harry was shocked his dad had come looking for him.

Harry said, "Just watching what is going out on the grounds." James said, "Come on my son I want you to come with me back to my chambers." Harry stood and walked with his dad to his chambers. Harry said, "Happy Christmas, dad." James said, "Happy Christmas, Harry." Harry entered into his dad's rooms and noticed the rest of his family was here. He found a chair in the corner to sit in. it's not like there was presents waiting for him. So, he watched as presents were opened by the rest of the family. They opened the ones he gave them, and they didn't even say thank you. Once all the presents were open, they started to talk to each other. No one seemed to notice the silently crying boy. The one without a single present. Yet they all received a gift from him. They didn't even give him one. Harry had pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his head into his knees as he cried. He knew it. They liked to play this new game with him. How much emotional and mental damage could they do to him. It seemed they would remember him for a bit but then they would ignore him when he was in the room with him.

 James had three very special gifts for Harry its why he didn't have any to open with the others.  James knew that Harry maybe sad, but he planned everything out. He walked over to his sad son and said, "Harry don't cry I want to show you something thank you for the gift I loved it." Harry cried "your welcome and you do." James said, "yes I have something very special for you." James beckoned his son to follow him. Once in the bedroom Harry sat on the bed. His father had grabbed a small package and handed it to Harry. Harry opened the package inside was a locket. Inside the locket was a picture of his mama, dad and him. He couldn't even tell his dad thank you. James said, "I thought you would love to carry around a picture of your mum we love you very much Harry." Harry said, "Thank you I love it." James gave him a second package this one was a bit bigger. It was heavy as well. He opened it to find a book that he's always wanted but figured he would never get. He thanked his dad for it. James than gave Harry a rather large package what the hell was it.

When Harry opened it, he saw a broom. Oh, wow it was the latest broom a firebolt. Harry hugged his dad and thanked him again. James smiled he was able to make his son's day a bit better. He wished that the others would have gotten him a gift, but they didn't. Later Harry carried his new gift to the dorm and put it up. He loved that at least his dad didn't forget a present for him it wasn't such a horrible Christmas. It seemed that his dad at least was remembering him. The next day he walked over to his Aunt Minnie's room to see if she was there, he wanted to show her the locket his dad got him. She would be so happy to see that he now carried his parents with him. He knocked on her door and waited. When the door opened it wasn't his aunt Minnie but Severus Snape. Harry didn't know what to say to the godfather of one of his brothers other than "Hello Sir." Minerva said "Severus let him in." Snape moved out of the way and Harry walked by him and went over to Minnie.

Harry said, "Aunt Minnie is Uncle Filius here too." Filius said, "Nephew over here." Harry turned and smiled. Harry said, "I wanted to show you what dad got me for Christmas." the two teachers looked at each other surprised. James seemed to be doing something right. They hadn't heard him call James, dad in a long time. Minerva said, "Alright let see it than." Harry pulled out the locket and showed it to his aunt and uncle. Snape was still there and also taking a look. It seems to be a locket. Filius said, "Can I open it and see what's inside." Harry said, "Yes that's the best part." this had them wondering. What was in the locket. When he opened it. There staring up at them was Lily on the other side was James holding a baby Harry. Filius said, "Oh, what a lovely gift he gave you. Now you have your mum with you always." Harry said "Yeah dad did wonderful. He gave me two other gifts the one I want to keep a surprise for now." Minerva said, "What was the other one." Harry pulled out the book and unshrunk it. He then handed over the book.

Snape was wondering what Harry wanted that book for. He was horrible in potions. There was no way the boy would be able to achieve a good enough grade in potions to be able to make the potions for a healer. Snape said, "What would you do with a book about healing potions you're not all that good at potions." Harry looked at the man and said "Maybe if you wouldn't startle me or maybe if the Slytherins wouldn't throw random ingredients into my cauldron I wouldn't have such a bad practical grade. Oh, maybe you should actually read my essays instead of just giving me a bad grade you might actually know that I am great at potions."

AN I don't own the picture or Harry potter Credit goes to the Owners.

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