Part Ninety Eight

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Eve woke up at 3 a.m. She realized that everyone was still asleep. Her heart hurt so much. She just needed to block out the pain. It all felt so surreal.... But waking up without Genaro beside her, she realized it wasn't a dream.

She got up and ran a brush through her hair. Her phone screen said 3:01 a.m., Thursday, March 9. She was seven weeks pregnant.

This isn't a good idea. But....I have to block out the pain. She slipped on her shoes and sneaked to the restaurant that they were planning on selling.

She grabbed the alcohol and brought it home.

She grabbed a six-pack and brought it into her room, locked the door, and popped the lid off the first bottle.

She chugged it down but it didn't feel like enough and she downed another. She had to block out the pain and this was the only way she knew how.

She drank a total of 4 beers in the next hour.

Then she passed out cold.

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