Part Nine

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As soon as the last student left her room for lunch, Eve called the principal, the vice principal, and the head of security to her room.

"We have a problem."

Everyone sat down. Eve leaned forward, forearms on the table, and said:

"She's been abused for 4 consecutive years and had I not followed her home due to my increasing worry, she could be dead right now. He hurts her. Her dad. I called the police earlier. Timiteo, did the police tell you?"

Timiteo, the head of security, shook his head. "No. I'll contact Aaron now." Aaron was the chief of police.

So he did. Aaron said he'd be right over; on the way, Eve and Aaron gave the others the details.

"What do we do?" Eve said. "She can't go home."

"Foster care," Timiteo said.

"I wish I could make her mine but I'm only 14 or so years older than her," Eve said.

"Yeah, I don't think that would work," the principal remarked.

"My mom used to do foster care. Can I ask her?" Eve requested.

"Sure," Aaron said.

So Eve took her phone out and texted her mom, "Hey, mom, are you interested in doing foster care again?"

"Maybe, why?" Mom texted back.

"I have a student who needs to be removed from her situation immediately and you used to do it. She's 13, been abused for 4 consecutive years."

"Can I come down and meet with you?"

Eve said to the others, "She wants to know if she can come down."


"Yeah. I told my student to come here after school anyway. They can meet then."

"Go ahead and be here by 4: 10," Eve texted.

"I won't be here a moment later," Mom promised

"Perfect," Eve responded, and then they got back to the problem at hand while they ate.

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