Part Thirty Six

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Finally, finally Eve heard the knock, but just then her head began to spin faster. She knew the seizure could come any second so she hurriedly called, "Come in."

Genaro came in, worry written on his face. "Is everything okay?"

"No... My head is spinning faster... It could come any second! Should I risk trying to make it to the car?"

He looked at Eve worriedly. "How bad is it?"

"It's getting worse by the second, let's just go before it happens," she said but when she stood, she lost her balance and tripped. Normally she had really good reflexes but the coming seizure was impacting her. Genaro caught her, he was afraid that if he let her fall she'd have a seizure.

"You sure you can make it?"

"No, so I don't want to do the stairs."

"Let's just make it to the elevator sweets," he said, kissing her forehead with passion.

"I don't want anyone to see but most people are gone by now," Eve said. She broke out of the embrace and grabbed his arm, partly for balance and partly because, well, mostly balance.

They walked out of the room and into the hall, Eve locked the door behind her and even though she wanted to get to the car faster it was safer to go slower. So she hurried as much as she could to the elevator, which she'd never taken before. She didn't know if it was fast, but the doors opened only seconds after she hit the down arrow. She stumbled inside and leaned against the wall, sliding down to a sitting position.

Genaro hit the Close Doors button and then the 1. He moved closer to Eve and whispered, "Ya casi hemos llegado. Sólo unos minutos más."

"Lo sé."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Eve got up shakily and took Genaro's arm again.

Once out of the elevator, it took two minutes normally to get to the front entrance, but Genaro was willing to bet on 5 at the least.

They made it to the car without too much trouble and as soon as Eve collapsed inside she started crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I've had you for 7 years and I've always wanted a child, but now -" She was crying so hard she choked on her words.

He hugged her. "Let's talk about it at home. I want you safe in the house before anything happens."

"Fine," she let out a shaky breath.

Yay, more time to fight off the stupid seizure.

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