Part Eighty Two

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In the middle of the night Eve woke up and she couldn't move. What's wrong with me? she panicked. Paralysis didn't just randomly happen! But then she remembered there was a thing called, sleep paralysis.

Mierda, how long is this going to last? What if Adlyn needs me?

Then she felt like she was suffocating, something was squeezing her chest. She tried to scream, but all she could do was look around.

This hellish nightmare went on for hours, every breath a struggle. And she fought solely because she couldn't leave her family - and family wasn't blood relatives. It was the people she loved, that loved her back.

Finally, it stopped. She could breathe. She got out of the bed, tears of relief and fear streaming down her face, and went up to her room.

"Genaro help me, oh gawd help me."

Genaro bolted awake. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Es Adlyn?"

"No, it's me. I just experienced countless hellish hours of sleep paralysis."

"Oh, mierda," Genaro muttered.

Eve and Genaro shared a glance, and at the same time, they had the same thought.

What if it happened again?

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