Part Sixty Nine

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Late Friday night, Adlyn woke up again. She needed to look something up in Eve's Bible, but didn't want to ask. She crept upstairs to Genaro and said, "Genaro?"

"Mm?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Does Eve have a Bible?"

"Mhm, why?"

"Can I borrow it for like ten seconds?"

"Sure it's over there," he nodded toward the nightstand.

Adlyn picked it up, went to the back, looked up "Homosexuality," and flipped to the right section. After reading it a few times, she was still confused. Was it okay to be a Christian and be gay or not? Because, to be honest, she wasn't sure about either.

Setting the Bible down and creeping back to the living room, Adlyn snuggled the blankets and fell back asleep.

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