s e q u e l

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the sequel.

There will be a sequel to Solitude, but I haven't decided on a title yet, so if you have ideas, comment or PM me! You can even post a message on my wall. I'm thinking it should be one, maybe two words that are antonyms (or maybe not antonyms, but not synonyms either). I know this is super vague, but I can't come up with a better way to express myself.

thanks and acknowledgements.
Thanks so much to those of you who have supported Solitude this far!! A special thanks to SmartLion, a close(?) friend in real life, for voting on every single chapter, and devgnclvs for encouraging me when no one else would. And of course, my 7th grade quarter-one Spanish teacher and her husband who inspired my story in the first place, and my friends for, unbeknownst to them, perhaps, influencing me continually after.

And Wattpad, for its excellent (if somewhat silent) readers, voters and fans.

question section.

What did you guys think in general? Well-written? Horrible? I know the plot was underdeveloped, but was it still good? Honesty is key!

And finally, how did you find the story? I'm dying to know!

thanks so much!! you wattpadians (wattpadders?) are the best.


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