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Note: For anyone asking for the current ages, Seijuro and Daisuke are seven, Tobio and Karma are six.



It was a normal afternoon after school. The younger twins ran into the house, while the older ones walked behind. They happily ate their portion of snacks, maybe occasionally stealing from their brothers, before heading into their shared room, closing the door, and doing their work.

That was from the point of view of the maids though....

"This is boring...why do mom and dad make us read and learn this stuff?" Karma rolled on the ground, tossing the stuff aside.

"Hm, it's so boring to the point Tobio has fallen asleep on Daisuke's back." Seijuro observed.

Daisuke, lying on his stomach and reading, lifted his head. "Oh, I thought I was becoming an old man. And I wondering why my back felt so heavy...."

"Did you just notice?!" Karma screamed.

"Was I supposed to know? Also, can you please help me get him off my back?" Daisuke asked.

"No." Both Sei and Karma said in unison, so Daisuke opted for the other option.

He rolled over violently, and Tobio slipped off, hitting his head. Immediately, he slapped Daisuke.

"Oops." Tobio said.

"Wow. My younger brothers are bullying me. What a surprise." Daisuke rolled his eyes.

"Then act better." Seijuro shot back.

The two bickered on, not noticing that the younger twins had disappeared.

Karma and Tobio quietly slipped out, running towards the kitchen.

"Coming through!" They rammed into the two servants working there, who jumped out of the way.

"Not again...." One sighed.

"Leave them be." The other went back to what he was doing, seeing how this was practically normal.

The rummaged through the freezer until they found what they wanted.

"Blueberry ice cream!"

"Strawberry ice cream!"

They looked at each other and had the same thought. Finish it all and save none for Sei or Daisuke.

And that they did. The two servants were still in shock. How could these two children finish an entire tub like that?

"Thanks, and bye!" Karma and Tobio headed on to the next places that awaited for them to ruin.

Later that day....

"Mr. Kambe, may we please have a raise?"  A group of servants in the house practically had those tired and gloomy stuff around them.

"Sure, but can I ask why?" Mr. Kambe was confused, believing there was nothing that could've ruined their work.

Never did he once consider that his children would be the culprits.

Four Brothers || Seijuro, Karma, Tobio, and Daisuke [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now