Life, Am I Right?

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"Tobio! Karma! Are you two going to college or uh, y'know, taking care of the family business too?" Rio called over and asked.

Tobio thought for a moment. Since Seijuro and Daisuke were already taking care of all the things they needed to take care of at the Kambe Estate, they didn't really need to do much.

"Probably college. Preferably somewhere with big dorms, like in those webtoons." Karma answered for him.

"Itona- stop feeding him your comic addiction!" Nagisa sighed, disappointed.

"Webtoons and comics are very different things." Itona simply replied, rather elegantly eating another potato chip.

" applications? Which ones are you gonna apply to?" Isogai changed the subject rather quickly.

"I mean, we honestly plan to send them off to wherever you guys go to, so at least someone can watch I've Ruben and make sure that they're not going insane."

The group turned around to see Daisuke, folding up his sunglasses and walking towards them. He seemed to still be in his work clothes, not to their surprise.

By work clothes, I meant a comfy sweater and sweatpants. He works from home, he's not going for torture himself by wearing something fancy.

"We can be trusted!" Tobio and Karma protested in unison.

"Right....." everyone slowly nodded or just agreed, but they all knew in the back of their minds, nope.

"Where's Seijuro?" Tobio asked, looking around.

"Handling some clients and doing some paperwork. I'm supposed to head to the office building right now, but honestly, I'm too lazy to." Daisuke shrugged, keeping his lax yet elegant posture.

"Isn't that...your job though?" Rio asked.


"Damn, never mind. You guys really are brothers."


And now, for y'all who wish for more of the psychopaths. Here they are.

Warning: "Brotherly love", psychos, blood the usual. Be warned.




"One of us will not be joining the feast tonight, at least, not as a person."

Sei scoffed at the statement, though he knew, buried deep in the back of his mind, that fear would crawl up to him, grasp him like there was no tomorrow.

He swallowed hard, feeling as if something was choking him, enough for him to barely breathe. A consciousness begged him to not look up, to not gaze into the eyes of which he bore such deep enmity for. Yet, he did. His curiosity flooded over his reasoning, emotions over his mind, in which a small whimper elicited from his own vocal.

For Karma, seeing his own, condemned brother in such pain made him shiver in bliss. The sadism dripping from his stare, as he looked upon his sibling with pity. "Perhaps...I could let you go. Free."

"Free? You? As long as you stay in this household, within the estate, you are a danger. A monster to us all, and so is Tobio. Nothing more their burdens, deadweight to the family." Sei spat bitterly, anger coursing through his veins.

Now, both Tobio and Karma's expression was unreadable, a cross between sadism, annoyance, and something far, far more malicious.

"Young masters! You must come down for dinner now. The head is getting impatient!" A maid called.

Daisuke breathed a sigh of relief, thankful nothing worse had happened. Tobio clicked his tongue in annoyance, leaving first. Seijuro followed a good distance behind.

Karma looked at Daisuke, a cryptic expression dancing on his face. He laughed a bit before heading down.

Why had the family come to this, he failed to understand.

At the dinner table, the four brothers sat down across from their father, a plain gracing their lips.

Their father nodded at each of them, even Karma, to which their mother shivered at. She wondered, didn't her husband know what their youngest son had done?

Yes, he did. And he was proud.

He was the head. Not a single word, movement, or breath in the estate missed his watchful, omnipotent-like gaze.

Their mother, whose nerves were getting the better of her, and so, she attempted to start a discussion pertinent to the cruel actions of the household, but to no avail. The head shut it down with an off-topic of his own, discussing something of finance and economy.

Their fathers voice was like a drawing melody, played by a masterful musician, and those seated at the table had no choice but to listen.

But, not to ones surprise, some were not just listening.

Tobio picked up the carving knife laid so conveniently on the table. Slowly sneaking it down under the drapes of the tablecloth, he held it against Seijuro's thigh.

With small, slight movement, Tobio dragged across the fabric, before making a small stab just above the knee in the side of his leg. The redhead winced at the pain, fighting his all just to not let out a yelp.

"Something the matter?" His father looked at him, eyes glinting. He knew what was the matter, being stabbed by his younger brother must be painful.

But he couldn't care less. After all, he was the one who pushed that carving knife towards the raven. And he was the one who helped cover up Karma's actions in the beginning.

And believe me, he knew why Karma would stay late over in Tobio's room some nights.

But he was the head. He hid his tracks far too well, and no one ever dared to question him.

He picked favorites that no one else knew. No one. Not even those favorites, who were currently the two youngest siblings.

He didn't mind their actions at all, not one bit.

Giving a brief smirk towards the raven, who was doing his best to hide his own as he tortured his brother lightly.

Boy, if only the older one knew it was about to get much worse.

We stan supportive fathers. Also, this relationship isn't healthy irl, so don't encourage it. Thanks!

You can encourage it if it's between two hot characters, if you get what I mean...

Just kidding!

Four Brothers || Seijuro, Karma, Tobio, and Daisuke [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now