What does make Karma annoyed?

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Karma doesn't get annoyed easily. Sure, he loses his shit sometimes and goes sadistic and insane, but I mean, it's Karma, what do you expect?

But back to being annoyed. He doesn't get mad that often. Unless you insult one of his brothers, but I highly doubt anyone would really do that, or have the guts to.

Well, if you're a stupid-ass teacher who cares about his reputation more than the well-being of his students. Not going to talk about that right now though.

Honestly, there's really...well...ok. Here's how it works.

"Karma gets mad at...well...it's kinda random. Like, he doesn't get mad at one thing specifically. There's not just one thing you can always do to make him annoyed." Tobio shrugged at Nagisa's question.

"Wait. So if he decides to destroy a classroom, that's not like, because he's mad? It could be just that he's bored?" Nagisa seriously didn't understand the logic.


Nagisa faceplanted onto the table. Though he's been Karma's friend for years, he's witnessed Karma's wrath once, and he was, in the simplest terms, fucking terrified. 

And he did not want to witness it again, which meant he needed to make sure that he knew what would push the boy's buttons. 

"Talking about what makes Karma annoyed? Just pour out all his strawberry milkshakes, though that's probably impossible." Daisuke walked in, answering their question partially. 

"Do you even know how much of that milkshake he has?!" Tobio screamed. 

"A lot?"

"Dude he literally filled an entire shower sized compartment of the kitchen with the ingredients for that thing, not to mention it somehow doesn't go bad!" 

Nagisa went pale. What. The. Heck? He knew that kid loved strawberry milk-stuff, but not to that extent-

Daisuke clapped his hands. "Actually, what a wonderful idea I came up with. Nagisa, help me out, let's try it."

"Try what?" 

"Tossing out all that strawberry milkshake stuff. We have the money to replace all of that anyways."

'Okay, the brothers have to be mentally insane.' "HUH? That's not what I was concerned about....You said it yourself, it's probably impossible. Not to mention that I asked to make sure I don't get on Karma's bad side, not to do it!" Nagisa fought against it, but Daisuke's grip was far too tight.

"Tobio?" Daisuke looked over to his brother.

Tobio thought for a moment. "Fine, but it's all on you if we get in trouble."

"Kageyama-" Nagisa began, but well, he ended up being dragged into the mess. 

Did it take a lot of time? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely no.

Maybe....Nagisa's instincts were right.

Four Brothers || Seijuro, Karma, Tobio, and Daisuke [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now