Tobio's Viewpoint

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Hello, Tobio here! Okay, author's probably been watching to much ATLA. 

So, we're uh, nine now, enough for us to be supposedly responsible. We, as in Karma and I, or me and Karma. Who cares about grammar? Seijuro and Daisuke are older. 

You know what's absolutely dumb? I can remember the fact that Karma broke a flowerpot like two-three years ago, but I can't remember that project my teacher talked about yesterday. 

The four of us are currently on the ride to school, because our parents won't let us walk like 4 blocks to our school. Also, Seijuro looks pretty pissed for some reason. 

Kinda scary? Very scary. 

I think Daisuke would be scarier if he was angry, at least that was what Karma told me. He said that people who tend to get angry less are people who are more scary when they're angry. 

I haven't seen Daisuke get mad. Usually, he'd just get annoyed, or be amused. 

Karma, once or twice. 

That's beside everything. Our first class is....math. 

I literally can't understand how Karma has fun in this. Math is too confusing. Math is too annoying. Math is math and math is the definition of living hell on earth. 

That's it. And so, Karma is also insane. 

Why does P.E. always have to be in the afternoon? At least for me, I've never have P.E. in the morning. They should do it in the morning while it's still cool. Afternoons are hot and I hate the heat. 

You can probably tell I have no idea what-so-ever my teacher is babbling about. 

"Tobio, can you please explain the solution to the problem on the board?" 

Stop calling on me just because I don't pay attention! Is your life goal to make fun of us students?

Thank heavens Karma is in my class. He sits in the back, so he held up a board with the answer while my teacher was busy looking for...probably something to scold me about. 

Karma's nice right? Right?

Nah he's only doing this so I have to buy him strawberry milk. 

"6 cartons Tobio." He smirked. 

I rolled my eyes at him. 

The rest of the class went by smoothly, then it was my favorite thing. Recess!

Karma and I raced out until we spotted Daisuke and Seijuro and annoyed them to death. 

What? Don't look at me like that, it's completely normal. 

Same thing happens during lunch too. 

You know....I actually do kind of wonder how Daisuke hasn't snapped yet and Seijuro hasn't buried us six feet deep. 

Abuse that privilege while we still can!


Seijuro: I'd be exposing my collection of scissors, so consider yourselves lucky. 

I actually like writing it like this, from their point of view. Nice new thing, hehe :D

Four Brothers || Seijuro, Karma, Tobio, and Daisuke [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now