🩷While you were sleeping ⚠️From villain To Hero⚠️

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Second part of: Love Is love, it doesn't matter
Angst + fluff
⚠️ Mention of death, attempt of murder, mention of abuse, mention of suiside ⚠️

"what are your last words, Myung Dae Gu." he holds Dae Gu by his wrists. The younger gulps and looks down. The ground is so far away. "please, don't drop me!" the guy chuckles leaning farther over the railing.

"in your dreams!" as he let's go Dae Gu falls to his death. His body hits the ground hard.

The young man shoots up, sweat dripping over his forehead. He looks over his cell and sighs. "what in the world was that?"


Two years passed by. Seung Won and Dae Gu graduated high school and Jae Chan proposed to Hong Joo. Life seemed to be good. But as Dae Gu and Seung Won entered college Dae Gu got a stalker.

But it's not just a stalker, the man also threatened to kill Dae Gu. And of course he was in great distress, after everything that happened he couldn't handle this. He went to the police like a normal person would do, but the police couldn't catch him.


"i had a weird dream. And if it's what i think it is it will come true tomorrow!" the guard scoffs. "listen Yoo Beom, people tried the craziest stuff to get out of here. Don't think i believe you."

Yoo Beom sighs. "you're right. I sound nuts, but just let me go for two days. I'll return."

The guard hits him in the face. "you're not leaving. You know that well enough."

As the guard leaves Yoo Beom groans. "once i try to do something good i immediately get reminded of what i did before." right as he wants to walk back to his cell someone knocks on the glass of the visitors area.

"Yoo Beom, can i talk to you?" a teen, looking about the age of Seung Won, is sitting on the chair. "who are you?" the guy smiles. "Da Reum. Nam Da Reum." Yoo Beom's eyes widen.

Da Reum is the son of the police chief. Yoo Beom picks up the phone. "what do you want talk about?" Da Reum smiles. "i can see you changed quite a bit. Before you where rude, and clearly angry. Now you seem to have cooled down."

The older puts down his head. "i got what i deserved. But you still didn't answer my question. I'm sure your father forbid you to talk to anyone here." Da Reum scoffs. "that old man doesn't believe in second chances. Plus, he would fit great here."

Yoo beom raised an eyebrow. "what makes you say that?" Da Reum puts his hand over part of the phone and starts to whisper. "he abuses me. for your information, i am still a child... Teen actually. So i have no drivers license to go anywhere, i have no friends whatsoever. Mainly because he made all of them believe I'm crazy.

So i can't move in with anyone and i can't sue him for the same reason." Da Reum seems a bit scared while telling so. "how old are you then? You seem 18."

"sadly i would have to wait two years for that. But i can't do that. One day he'll actually kill me. And no one would know because he said, out in public, that I'm crazy.

And even if someone finds out he would either say i killed myself because of depression or i killed myself because i went insane."

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