🩷while you were sleeping ⚠️Love Is Love, It Doesn't Mater⚠️

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Ship: Jeong/Jung Seung Won(Jae Chan's brother) and Myung Dae Gu(Seung Won's class mate)(confident Seung Won)
Warnings: the plot if different then the drama but spoilers might be there. Also, this story contains a slight bit of homophobia and pedophilia
Extra info: Dae Gu is a few months younger in this so he's younger then Seung Won
Genre: Angst
Plot: So Yoon breaks up with Seung Won he's heart broken. Dae Gu comforts him in all his pain. Because of this his feeling for Dae Gu grow. But loving the same gender isn't as easy as he thinks it is
It's hard to explain so just enjoy
Seung Won walks into the store where Dae Gu works. "hey..." Dae Gu looks up a bit shocked. "o-oh hi." the older puts his head down and sighs. "are you oke?" his head shoots up. He has tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks, his eyes are red from crying. "do I look oke to you?!" The younger stumbles back a bit shocked. "come to the back with me. Let's talk." he leads the older to the back.

"here, sit down." Seung Won sits down on the chair and starts sobbing softly. "tell me what's wrong." he shakes his head. "why not?" "why would I tell you?!" Dae Gu feels his heart sink slightly. "I-I thought you came here because you wanted to talk to me." A silence falls over the two. Dae Gu stands up and leaves. A few seconds later he comes back with a water bottle and a cup of cold ramyun. "I'm sorry that it's cold. It was suposed to be my lunch but you can have it." he hands the cup to Seung Won who takes it.

After a minute of silence, apart from Seung Won slurping noodles, Seung Won clears his throat. "So Yoon broke up with me." The younger looks up. "she did? But why? Your such a nice guy." A sigh escapes his lips. "she said she didn't like me as much anymore. She liked someone else." Dae Gu puts his arm around Seung Won's shoulder. "I'm sorry for you."

another long silance. "hey um... I know it sounds weird but... We can do something tomorrow after school to take your mind off of it." "it's Monday tomorrow, but I think that will be nice. Thanks for listening to me by the way, and sorry for yelling. I was just sad and slightly frustrated." Dae Gu smiles. "that's what friends are for you know." "I have to get back. Take care of the house you know. Bye Dae Gu. See you tomorrow."

He leads Seung Won out and waves at him till he's out of sight. "friends." Dae Gu bites his lip and goes back inside. His stomach grumbles reminding him that he didn't have lunch. "skipping lunch once won't kill me."

Seung won sits on the couch watching TV. The door opens and Jae Chan enters. "hi hyung, how was your date?" the older let's out a dry laugh. "it wasn't a date, I said that already. We went shopping with Won Tak remember." "but Hong Joo was with you, so yeah." Jae Chan tilts his head suddenly. "did you cry?" Seung won looks up. "huh? Oh... Yeah." He sits down next to the younger. "what happend."

"So Yoon broke up with me for someone else. It hurts, but it helps a little to have a friend who want to cheer you up." Jae Chan smiles. "who is it?" "just Dae Gu." the olders mouth falls open. "the guy who's father killed himself because he was innocent? Your still friends with him?" Seung Won rolls his eyes. "yes. Why?" "no, nothing."

During dinner suddenly Dae Gu's words came back to his mind. "oh yeah. I might be later tomorrow. He wanted to cheer me up by taking me somewhere." Jae Chan hums. "please let me know if you won't be eating dinner here. That would be nice to know." The younger scoffs. "you just want me to stay out for the whole day!" "that's not true. I just want to know."

Before going to bed Seung Won texts Dae Gu.

Looking forward to tomorrow
And thanks again

He closes his eyes and falls asleep. His sleep state isn't super deep and he has a dream

He runs to school making sure his backpack won't fall. As he stops he sees Dae Gu laying close to the gate, he has blood on his face. "Dae Gu? What happend to you? Are you oke?" in a panic he grabs Dae Gu and brings him to the nurse office. The nurse greets me and let's me put Dae Gu on the couch. "such a beautiful boy."

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