💙Golden Child ⚠️Burden Of The Golden Leader⚠️

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⚠️ Sad back story, mention of depression, favoriting, mention of attempt of suicide ⚠️
Don't hate anyone mentioned in the story, it's just a story
Not everything might go like it goes in real life but it's for the story

Daeyeol always does his best to show his members how much he cares for them. But a lot of them don't see that. Daeyeol tries to makes them work harder.

He hears that occasionally. But he always shrugs it off. He couldn't let the tiniest thing hurt him everythime, no not anymore.

Today they are going to do something special. Everyone knows the past life experience, Jangjun even tried it. But it's different. All the members will tell how their childhood truly was.

"i wonder what we'll find out!" Y says as he puts on his shoes. Of course the whole thing has to be filmed. "i don't think it'll be that shocking."

They arrive at the studio and are greeted by the person who will lead them through the process. "i really don't want to do this, I'm scared." Bomin hides behind Daeyeol.

"it's alright, if you don't want to you don't have to." TAG looks around the room. "sit down on the chairs, who will start?"

They go through the process withmost of the members. The most shocking thing was that TAG's parents were almost always busy and that Seungmin's mother left at a young age, his father remarried when he was 14.

"the last member to go is Daeyeol. Sit down." hesitant Daeyeol sits down. "it's now that big of a deal, nothing big happened in my life."

"close your eyes. Imagine yourself standing on a cliff. The wind is warm and lifts you up. You hold your hand out." Daeyeol can feel the wind going through his hair. "too high." he mumbles. He can look down and sees the sea underneath him.

"the wind drops you into the water underneath you." Daeyeol let's out a scream. "as you land in the water you will slowly starts to go back in the past. Back to when you were born."

"you are two years old now. Tell us what is happening." Daeyeol looks around and sees his brother sitting next to him. "Sungyeol is with me..."

(what Daeyeol sees he says out loud so the members can basically picture what is going on.)

Four year old Sungyeol looks over my, two year old me, toys. "why does Daeyeolly have less toys then me? He can play with my toys." the older says as he rushes to his room.

"don't give it to him!" mother yells. I starts crying. "oh... Oke...."

Five year old me sits on my bed, crying. "Daeyeolly, I'm back from playing." I hears Sungyeol yell.

Sungyeol's footsteps come up the stairs and stop in front of my room. "Daeyeolly?" "leave me alone! You're so mean!" i cry out. "why?!" Sungyeol seems irritated. "because you didn't let me play with you at school! I was really lonely at lunch!"

"because you're embarrassing me! At school i don't want to play with you!" i start crying louder. "Daeyeol if you don't shut up I'll hit you!" mother yells. Sungyeol just leaves my room.

Seven year old Daeyeol

"it's your fault! All your fault." "why?! Did i ask dad to leave! I would never!" she hits me. "Don't speak to me like that! I'll disown you!" i freeze. "mom, he's seven. We're will he go?" Sungyeol asks while leaning on the counter.

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