💙ONEUS ⚠️The 'cheating' Case⚠️

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Ship:Ravwoong, confident Ravn
Genre:Angst but a good ending
Plot:Hwanwoong gets in situations he doesn't want to be in. People post pictures making everyone think he's cheating.

Ravn is sitting on the couch. He tried to call Woong about a thousand times and he didn't answer. He trows his phone back on the couch. Leedo, xion, Keonhee and Seoho rush downstairs. "Ravn! I think Woong is cheating on you!" Xion exclaims and how's his phone. Its a 2 pictures. A guy and Woong kissing and a girl and Woong. Under it it says

'we now have someone for our threesome. Thank you Yeo Hwanwoong.'

Ravn's heart scatters. How could he? While Ravn is trying to sort things out in his mind the door opens and Hwanwoong closes the door behind him. "be back before lunch you said." Ravn walks towards the younger. "you promised me something!" he pushes Xion's phone in Woong's face. His eyes widen. "t-they posted it." Ravn pushes the younger against the wall with force. "Your a dirty cheater Yeo Hwanwoong!" he slaps him in the face. "L-let me explain. P-please!" Ravn trows his phone against the youngers face. "get out!" Woong' s eyes widen. "p-please no! I have no where to go." Hwanwoong is crying now. "go to your girlfriend and boyfriend!" Ravn puls the door open the pushes the younger out. His sneaker get stuck onder a tile on the path and he falls into the ground.

He sits up and wipes his face with his hands. A drip of blood falls into his leg. His nose is bleeding. He uses his sleeve to stop it and gets up. The only thing he can do is go to Onewe and hope Ravn didn't tell them. But he did

He arrives at the house Onewe stay in. His sleeve is fully red. As he rings the doorbell Younghoon opens. "what do you want?!" "I-I don't have anywhere to stay. Pl-" Younghoon grabs the collar of his shirt. "one, we don't take in cheaters. Two, you have your boy and girlfriend. Go there." Younghoon trows his back onto the ground and hurts the door with force.

The small male is sitting against one of the windows of the shops closeby. He feels so useless. He wanted to take the risk to go to the house Mamamoo lives in but Ravn probably told them too.

Someone runs up to him. The girl. "aw, Woongie. What are you doing outside in the cold. I searched for you. My darling wants to play with you." she says in a mean teasing voice and puls him along. He screams for help, but no one is outside in this neighborhood anymore.


Keonhee feels off. In the morning Woong told him he was going to get something for Ravn. Something really special. But then he cheated. Keonhee shakes it off and fals sleep.


The girl(Maya) walks into the apartment she took Hwanwoong to earlier. The male (nick) is sitting on the bed and he gives Hwanwoong a creepy smile. "I'll leave you to play. I'll be in my room. Have fun" she giggles and closes the door. Before Woong can do anything Nick locks the door. "p-please don't hurt me." Woong stutters and slowly moves backwards. "if you back away it will hurt for sure." he says and pushes Woong against the wall. He rips of his shirt with the bloody sleeve. Woong slips away and to the door. He trys to open the door but the door handel gives him a shock. "someone please help!" Nick chuckles. "no one will hear you." he pulls Hwanwoong towards him.

Ravn decids to go outside to get some fresh air and to clear his mind. He was walking past an apartment complex when he hears a familiar scream. "please! Don't hurt me! Ravn! J-just anyone!" The older is frozen. Then a dark voice speaks. "stop trying to escape, just do what I say!" Ravn decides to call the police. The dark voice calls for someone and Ravn decides to try to see what happening. He searches for the right apartment and uses his pocket knife to open the door.

He sneaks to the door. The dark voice speaks again." can you hold him for me?" Woong let's out a scream again as Maya grabs his with he sharp nails. Ravns notification lights up. A message from Keonhee.

I think it's not what we are thinking!

Keonhee :
In the morning he sent me this:
Keonhee, please help me! There are some couple trying to force me into there treesome and I don't want to cheat on Ravn. I'm scared!

so yeah....... I think he might need help.

I noticed!
Called the police.

He puts away his phone and hears sirens. Ravn rushes out to get to the police. "follow me." The cops follow Ravn into the apartment. The door fell close again the police knock on the door first. "where bussy! Go away!" A woman screams. Ravn grabs his pocket knife again and let's the police in.

As the cops open the door to the bedroom both the male and the female are shocked. As the cops arrest the two(for sexual harasment) Ravn rushes up to Woong. He's shirtless and his shorts are slightly tugged down. His lip and side of his head are covered in half dried blood. Not to forget that his chest is covered in catches from the girls nails. The younger seems to have passed out. Ravn lifts him up. Ravn thanks the police and makes his way back to the house. He wraps his jacket around Woong to make sure he doesn't catch a cold.

Ravn opens the door and puts Woong on the couch. He sits down next to him. At least his baby is safe again.

It's short and stupid... I know 😅
Happy Easter!

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