💙KNK |Light It Up

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Genre: Angst, fluff
Plot: for a special event they have to dress up nicely and show off a bit. Jihun makes special clothes for that day but the members aren't happy with it.

As the news is announced to the boys of KNK most of them just hum. "tell the stylist to find us something cool and colorful." Heejun says without looking up from his phone. Jihun stands up. "can I talk to the stylist?" The manager nods and takes him to their stylist.

Jihun waves at him. They have one of the only male stylists and Jihun is quite close to him. "did you hear about the event?" he nods. "what do they want?" Jihun licks his lips. "they want colorful, but we're not don't doing that." the stylist looks at him, a bit shocked. "why not?" "I thought of my own thing." Jihun looks at him with a smile. "let me hear it."

With slight help and the measurements of the members Jihun worked hard for two week long. As he finished the stylist walks in. He looks at it a bit confused. "you worked that long to make black clothes?"

The event is tomorrow. But Jihun doesn't feel confident about it. The stylist didn't say anything about it so maybe he disliked it. He can't shake the feeling. What if the members will hate it too?

"what?! Where going in this?! I said colorful, this is the opposite of that!" Heejun yels in anger. "no, just wait. I went with a theme. And it's light it up." they look at Jihun. "you made this?!" they yell. "this is going to be horrible!" Heejun pouts and Inseong rolls his eyes at Jihun. "please have faith in me, I promise you that it will be amazing."

Before getting in the car thier hair gets done. Non of the four others understands why they have to wear see through lense. But they are still angry at Jihun.

As they arrive in the big hall their manager and stylist leave to a different room with the other managers and stylists. They laugh at KNK's stylist. "why such a boring theme?" the EXO stylist teases. "I didn't pick this. It's Jihun's idea."

Most of the other groups also gave a weird reaction about it. "this is embarrassing." Seoham mumbles. "just wait." Inseong runs up to Byeongkwan and Heejun follows him. "I'm going to Sehyoon. Entertain yourself." Jihun sighs and sits against the wall.

Lunch rolls around and everyone goes to eat. "these jackets are way to hot! Heejun trows his jacket at Jihun. "black absorbes heat, did you even think of that?!" the other three give Jihun their jackets and leave to buy lunch. Jihun brought his own lunch box with him. He put a bit of rice, two small sandwiches and 4 small jelly's in the box.

When he finishes eating Byeongkwan walks up to him. "Jihun, Right?" he nods and puts his lunch box away. "I've heard a lot about you." he sits down next to Jihun. "let me guess, about how annoying I am? How I do aegyo to much?" Byeongkwan nods slightly. "so um.... What theme did you go with for the outfits?..." He groans. "light it up." The younger laughs slightly. "do you know what light it up means?" The older stands up. "yes, I know that. Just wait for it!"

It's now dinner time. A lot of groups and solo artists preformed a song. And after dinner KNK would perform. Jihun bought a small box with food and again jelly's. For part of Mamamoo's performance they used pole dancing. Jihun stares at the pole. Heejun walks up to him followed by the other three. "you can pole dance too, right? That's your main skill isn't it?" he says in a teasing voice. Jihun's face goes pale, eyes darken and turn glossy. Suddenly he drops the dinner box. He turns around and walks away. "why did you say that?! You know how Jihun struggles with his past!" Inseong yells at the younger.

Jihun's sneakers squeak in the hallway. He leaves the building and sits outside in the lighting of the street lights. Still holding the four jackets he stares at the sky. Tears well in his eyes. Suddenly someone sits next to him. "hey, are you oke?"

Hun sits next to Jihun and puts his hand on his shoulder

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Hun sits next to Jihun and puts his hand on his shoulder. "you ran off and seemed sad and a bit scared. Not to mention that you looked sad when you came here." Jihun let's out a sigh. "I made our outfits. It took two full weeks. But everyone laughs at me. My theme was light it up." Hun puts on on of the jackets. "the jacket is nice. It's fluffy on the inside." The younger smiles slightly as the older seems to truly be interested.

"what did Heejun say to you that made you run away? If I can ask a question like that." The orange haired male looks into Hun's eyes. "he talked about pole dancing. I can do that and that it's probably my only skill. But I had a bad past that has to do with it. My mother was a pile dancer and a stripper. She got me unexpectedly and she didn't want to abort me. But when I was born she struggled a lot. When I was five I had to do it too and I did it till I was seventeen. Then she stopped and took me and got a better job. But in that time I had to do that I got sexual used four times. Once when I was ten, twice when I was fourteen and once when I was sixteen. "

Hun nods. "I understand. I'm sorry for you." suddenly the light switches off everywhere. But Jihun glows brightly. His shirt, his jacket, his eyes, his pants and so do his sneakers. The jacket Hun is wearing also glows. "wow! That's so cool!"

Meanwhile inside

Heejun sighs. "I'll search for him and say sorry." suddenly all the lights go out. But Heejun, Inseong, Seoham and Dongwon glow. "wow!" Byeongkwan stares in shock. "this is what he meant?" Jihun and Hun enter. "Hyung! I'm sorry for saying that! And I'm sorry for doubting you! Please forgive me. Forgive us." Jihun frowns. "I'll have to think of that." Inseong let's out a squeak. "just kidding.

KNK became the starts of the night and Jihun decided to befriend Hun and add him in his phone contacts.

Isn't Hun sweet :<

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