💙ENHYPEN ⚠️little leader⚠️

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Side ship(s) Jaywon, Sunki Jakehoon
⚠️slightly unfair treatment, extreme dieting, fainting, overworking, mention of rape, mention of sexual assault ⚠️

Jungwon was chosen as ENHYPEN leader. He was a bit scared to take the role. What if he didn't do well? Sure he took care of his grandmother and sister even though he was younger then his sister.

The staff told him what to do. Not everything seemed to completely belong to his role as the leader but he shook it off. He didn't completely know what to do as leader.

It was a week before filming their debut music video the staff came to Jungwon. "Yah, Yang Jungwon." Jungwon looked up. He was currently practicing alone. "You know you're the leader right?" The young leader nodded.

"You should lose some weight, if you're too heavy the others will follow you in that. Anyways, get us some coffee now." "Yes sir." Jungwon picked up his bag and left the company building.

He held the cofee cups in his hand. The pharmacy caught his eye. As he walked in he was greeted by the workers. "What can i get for you young man?" "Do you have anything to help with weight-loss?"

The woman nodded. "Let me get it for you." She grabbed a blue box. "Can i have all of the ones you have on stock?" "Um...sure." ten blue boxes were neatly put in a bag. "Take these for free." She gave him two xl pack of vitamins. "It seems like you need it."

He took them back to the company building. The others were now also there. Jungwon gave the staff their coffee and went back to the practice room. "Hey Wonie." Jay pecked his lips. "Hey." He put the pharmacy bag in his bag.

They practiced for about two hours. "Let's get something to eat." Jake said panting. "Seems good to me." Jungwon said nothing. He felt a bit anxious. He ate a normal meal with the others but when he went to the bathroom he forced himself to throw up. Afterwards he took one of the blue boxes from his pocket.

Reading the instructions it said two per time to help with weight-loss. He completely skipped the warnings and took them. His stomach made nasty tingles, he assumed it was normal and went back to the others.

As time went on the two staff member used Jungwon more and more. They made him suck them off sometimes. Jungwon felt dirty, used. How would he tell Jay? They were preparing for a comeback, border carnival.

The choreography was hard and Jungwon struggled with bearly any food in his stomach. So he stopped taking the pills for a bit and ate more. Jake noticed the change. "Jungwon-a, you gained weight again."

The leader froze in the spot completely missing the last sentence Jake said. He panicked and looked in the mirror. Sunoo yawned snapping Jungwon out of his panic trance. "You should go home, I'll clean up." Ni-Ki let out a sigh of relief and picked up his bag. Jay pecked Jungwon's lips before also leaving.

At midnight Jungwon returned. His lip was bleeding and he had a cut under his eye. No one was up at this point. Jungwon made tea for himself. Sitting on the couch a tear slipped down into the cut.

It stung so he bit his hand. "Finally, you're back." Jay was standing in the door opening of the bedroom. He had closed the door behind him to not wake the others up. "You're hurt?" The older went into the kitchen to get the first aid kit.

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