💙Monsta X |crime for you

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Confident Hyunwoo
Requested by: _CrossGeneFlower_
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Story line: Changkyun had a relationship with Hyunwoo for 5 years but his parents don't except Hyunwoo, and that's for a reason. Hyunwoo lived in an orphanage but was trown out, and after that he starded things like drugs and hurting people. Changkyun in there relationships did the same. Hyunwoo always tried to stop him. Once they get caught by the police. But only Hyunwoo is arrested. (sorry but its the only way for me to describe it, and I hope it will do well and if not I'm sorry. Also if I don't describe the drugs right I don't do drugs,and neither schould you )

Hyunwoo's POV
1 month ago

"stop it! Just because I do it you don't need to do it!" I yelled at my younger boyfriend who was siting on the couch. "but I don't want to, plus it makes me relax." I knew I had to do something so I said:" I forgot to get the chips from the store, can you go get it for me?" He looked up at me and nodded throwing his sigaret away. "and pay for it!" I yelled back at him but he was already gone. I always let him use my masks so if they would come and inspect they thought it would be me. I took the pills that Changkyun left on the couch and hid them so he couldn't find them. That would do for now but how do I fully stop him? I tried to hide his sigarets on the same place but decided to hide them somewhere els. I sat down on the couch thinking about how I would make sure Changkyun gets back on the right path again. On that moment the door opened revealing Changkyun with the chips and he had lollipops. "did you pay for it?" he looked at me like I said the weirdest thing ever. "of course not,who wants to pay if you can get it for free?" I sighted. I'll make sure he will get back on the right path, whatever it takes. "why did you hide the drugs?" i grabbed his chin and pulled Changkyun into a kiss. "please don't follow what I do! It ruined your life and that's my fault!" Changkyun pulled me into a kiss. "relax, I think you made my life better." I sighted,why doesn't he understand? "you want to see a movie?" he nodded and walked away to get my jacket. This time I didn't pay for them but still. Changkyun came back with my jacket and gave it to me. I put it on and we went outside. We where walking to the cinema when 2 girls past us. One of the girls was looking at Changkyun making me angry. I kissed Changkyun and she looked away scared, probably because I gave her a death stare. When we arived at the cinema I gave the tickets and we went to buy popcorn. after that we went to the room where our movie would be played. We sat down and waited till the movie would start. When it stared Changkyun already fully finished all the popcorn.

*In the middle of the movie*

The guy robbed a bank for his lover and it brought me on a idea. "Changkyunie, what if I would prove to you with something big that I love you?" to bad Changkyun was to into the movie ro react. I rolled my eyes at him, but he did see that. "stop! I'm just into the movie oke!" I laughed at him kissing his cheek. So I turned back to the movie.

After the movie I told Changkyun to head back while I stole something for dinner. When I came back Changkyun was sitting on the coutch taking a drug pill." oh hey your back! What did you get for dinner?" I put the rammen on the table. "I just need to warm it up and then it's ready." he nodded and took another pill.

Changkyun's POV

"Changkyunie!" Hyunwoo called from out of the kitchen. "yes, what's up?" I replied. He walked up to me and sat down next to me. "do you know hos much I love you?" I giggled hugging him. "to the moon and back a thousand time, you tell me everyday." I kissed his cheek, and hugging him after. "but I want to do something big to prove to you" I giggled. "like what?" he stood up, grabbed me and held me above his head (he's that strong, deal with it) "what about, break in into the mansion of Kim Jongin?" (Exo refrance UWU) I looked at him shocked. "everyone who tried had been caught before even leaving the mansion! You don't have to, it's oke if you don't." everyone knew if you tried to break in to his mansion you would get caught easily because of the security. "but I want to, as prove that I love you." I sighted, he never gave up easily and especially not if it was somthing for me. "fine, as long as you be careful and don't get caught or els we have a big problem." he nodded and put me down. After that he grabes the stuff he needed. Then it came to me that he had been planing this for a long long time. He pulled me along to the car. He opened the door for me putting me in the front seat next to the driver seat.

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