💙EXO ⚠️Pushed Away⚠️

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Huhan. Confident Sehun
Story line: Luhan thinks of the past a lot. Its almost Christmas and he's all on his one. Before he want to end his life he want to go back to his Korean friends and crush. It doesn't go as expected though(inspired by the exo drama)

Luhans POV

I was nervous since it was my first day in Korean university. I opens the door and all the students looked at me. "good morning, students this is your new classmate Luhan." the teacher signed for me to introduce myself.

"my name is Luhan, I'm from China and my hobbies are dancing, shopping and drawing." I bowed and heared students mumble stuff to each other. 'another Chinese one.' 'wich male has shopping as hobie?' 'he looks so feminine.' I looked around, locking my eyes with a rainbow haired student." please sit down next to Sehun and Jongin(the class room has 3 tables next to each other) Sehun, Jongin please raise your hand." for a second there was no response until the rainbow haired and a black haired student raised their hand. I walked to my spot sitting down on chair."so, your name is Luhan?" I nodded looking at the black haired male. "I'm Jongin but my friends call me Kai." i smiled at him. "My name is Sehun,just Sehun." I turned around locking eyes with him again. I felt butterflies in my stomach. My cheeks started to heat up. "Alright students, please get your books and open to page 5 the second lesson." The teacher said and I focused my attention on the teacher.

At lunch I went to a table alone since I didn't have friends yet. "Luhan! Can we sit with you?" Jongin asked catching my attention. "Sure Jongin." I moved a bit to the side allowing him to sit next to me. "Just say Kai, since where friends." I smiled and oh I wish I would have kept it that way. Sehun sat down on the other side next to me. Again I felt butterflies. "is it oke if our other friends sit here too?" I nodded true my shyness. (the tables where big enough for 18 persons) A 9 other students sat down greeting me. "So your from China too." A male who looked a lot like a panda asked. "Yes, but I wanted to study away from my parents." I lied. My parents hated and hate me. I did and do everything to get away from them. "My name is Zitao but just say Tao." I smiled at him.

"but I'm not the only other Chinese student. We have Yifan or Kris and Yixing or Lay. We have Junmyeon or Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo or D.O, Jongdae or Chen, Minseok or Xiumin and you already know Kai and Sehun." He smiled at me. "so, I count as your friend?" I asked, a but dumb to ask of course but I was different back then. "Of course!" Xiumin gave Tao a scared glare. "oh right almost forgot. He is really sencetive so he doesn't like hard noice and screaming." I was shocked, but because what Tao said about Xiumin but because Suho was playing with the water from his cup. He also had a sign or his cheek. It was a sort of water drop and it was glowing." oh right, a lot of student have powers. We all have one. And it's oke if you don't since a few students don't either."

After school I went to my apartment. I opens the door, and flopped on my bed. I had their phone numbers but i wasn't going to call them right now. I was reading a book and without realizing I lifted up my water bottle that was a meter away from me standing on the table. I grabbed it and thought: 'but in my position I can't reach the table.' I triedIt to put it back, this time looking at it. It was floating.

A huge time skip.

It's was close to graduation. The guys and I where hanging out when we got challenged to fight against a mafia gang. We accepted and started fighting. During this I acidently hit Kyungsoo, halfly killed Kai and knocked out Kris. "I thought you where on our side! Betrayer!" Suho shouted and I fell back. Sehun gave me a death glare and till the day of today It still hurts me. I ran away before graduation. I went back to China, became depressed, got sexual abuse by the person who rented the apartment I live in and beated up by my neighbours once in a while. It's 2019 now, close to 2020. I can't take it anymore. So I'm ending it. But I'm going to Korea first.

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