Short chapter: Beaten By The World

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When Ryan was far away from Riku and several hours had gone by, he stopped and looked up, as rain began to pour.

Thunder clapped loudly.

He sighed and pulled the mobile piece out of his pocket. Then a bird swooped down and took it.

"Hey, give that back!" It landed in a nest in a tree not too far away. "That's not food!" He yelled, climbing up to reach it. 

A high branch snapped, and he fell straight into a mud puddle.

Ryan was a mess now, soaking wet and covered in sludge. His golden hair was flattened against his forehead and every inch of his body was trembling from the cold. Arms shaking as he lifted himself, Ryan dashed over towards a nearby cave. 

He curled up and waited there for the storm to pass... even though it felt like an even bigger one would come very soon.

"The world sucks... Everything sucks... so FREAKING bad." 

An involuntary whimper escaped his lips and his shoulders shook-- tears spilt over and flowed down his face like a waterfall. Loud sobs echoed off the cave walls, but it didn't matter. 

All that mattered was that Rachel was gone, Riku was hurt and Ryan was to blame for both. 

The light at the end of the tunnel... was absolutely nowhere in sight.

My Dark Heart: Ryan's tale (a Destinies Intertwined, Riku x Oc sequel)Where stories live. Discover now