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Being away from charming was something I hated but I had no say in the matter since my mother took me away after my dad died.

so told me " Alanya you will never come back to charming this place is nothing but horrid pasts and death."  

I knew she was speaking of my best friend Jax's dad's business well more like his club SAMCRO. she hated them with the passion but me and daddy enjoyed spending time with them. I learned so much about cars and how to fix them.

So when I was forced to leave I set my mind on becoming a mechanic so I could go back to Charming and work at Teller garage.

Now here I am a at a rightful age of twenty eight and a certified mechanic. and I am heading back home to charming where I belong.

I found out my dad had arranged for me to have a place when I reached a certain place. it was left in his will that when I reached a certain age I'd get the keys to the house. Mom of course tried her damdest to sell it but the lawers told her its not in her name she cant do anything to the house. She tried plenty of times to have me sell it but I told her no which caused so many fights.

It wasn't long after I reached that rightful age that I got the keys and I lost my mom. I had her buried in her hometown so I'd know her family would take care of her grave while I was in charming doing the same for my dad.

I pulled up to the place that was now my home and couldn't help but smile. I was so happy to be back where I belonged. the place I longed to be back in. 

after taking some time looking at the house I went and unlocked the front door before I started to unload my car. I didn't have much after selling all that I could in order to come back. so i'd be doing plenty of shopping once I get my first pay. but for now I'll blow up an air mattress and sleep on it.

After all was unloaded I locked up my house and headed to Charming cemetery to visit my folk.

I stopped by a florist and got some fake flowers before I headed over.

Course when I get their I'll pay my respects to JT & Thomas.

I walked the all too regular path that I had walked the day my father was put six foot under. 

I stood there looking at his pretty black tombstone before I sat on the little bench that was part of his tombstone.

I laid the flowers at his head.

"Well daddy I am back for good and I couldn't be more excited.I miss you so much.there has never been a day while I was gone that I worried someone wasn't tending to your grave. but seeing how well kept this place is I see that all my worry was for nothing and that something was tending to this plot perfectly" I speak 

"I have become what we both knew I'd be when I'd spend my time in Teller garage tinkering and learning about cars. and hopefully I'll be getting a job there. though its name is now Teller-Marrow. so Gemma must had married and added her new husband's name."

I went on telling him so much before I place a kiss on my fingers and touched his tomb softly then walked off to Tommy's.

"Hey Tommy boy. it's been years since I've been here but it looks like Gem and Jax have been taking care of placing flowers here. so here are mine" I say as I lay the flowers I had gotten for him done.

I talked to him a bit before moving on to JT.

"Well it's soon to happen JT. hopefully I'll be working at your old garage like you joked and teased I'd do since I was so interested in cars and learning how to fix them up."

After placing flowers on his grave I talked with him a bit more before I left and headed back home to get everything ready for tomorrow.

Once I had eaten, I showered and went right to bed after setting my alarm.


A/n: this story isn't written perfectly. it has mistakes in it. and some of it may be confusing. 

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