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Since Abel is learning about motorcycles I figured that he could see JT's since its been put on display in the club house and not rode in a long time.

So while everyone wasbust in the garage or the office I took Abel into the club house and headed towards the knucklehead Harley.

So while everyone wasbust in the garage or the office I took Abel into the club house and headed towards the knucklehead Harley

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I scooped up Able and stood him right before me.

"Ok bub. this was your grand fathers bike. so we gotta be very careful with it ok" I tell him

"Otay" he says

"know this bike is a knucklehead. it was specially made with some parts that wasn't even out yet so that's another reason why this bike is very special." I started to explain

"it pretty" Abel says

"yea it is" I replied

"why is the seat like that?"

"well that's how this bike was crafted. unlike daddy's and your uncles and everyone else here." I replied

He leaned against my side as I held him while we looked at the bike and I named all the parts of it and showed him other parts of it.

"wanna sit on it bud?" 

I looked over my shoulder and seen Jax.

" I wont damage it?" he asked

"nah, and granpa wouldn't mind" Jax says as he climbs up and straddled the bike before picking up Abel and sitting him on the seat.

I took a step back and snaps some pictures of him while Jax leaned over and told him much more about his granpa and how his grandpa loved this special bike.

Jax hops down with Abel in his arms and comes over to me.

"what made you think to come look at dad's bike?" he asks

"Less chance of being burned and its got parts that wasn't even make available to buyers. besideds its something that is speacli to you so why not have our son see and learn about something that means a lot to you" I anwsered

He kisses my forehead before sitting Abel on his feet as we walked back to where the others was coming in after closing up shop.

"Granma i seen grndap JT's bike and its really pretty" Abel says as he rushes over to Gem who scoops him up.

"yea, did momm take you or daddy?" she asked

"mommy" he replied

"its specially made and means a lot." I replied 

"well JT always did like his bikes to have meaning to them or eventually mean something" Gem says

"it means a lot to you all and it means that its a rare edition" I tell her

"A one of a kind."

I smiled while nodding my head before I headed over and took a seat on the couches by Chibs.

"how is the wee lass today?" he asked

"me or the little wee lass?"

he smiled and pointed to my stomach.

"she's settled for now, but come later it will be like I'm a football when she gets them legs going."

he laughed at that.

" she's trying to make room" Jax says as he joins me

"I can only expanded so much"

"don't worry lass, she'll be here in three months or less."

"hopefully when she makes her arrival it will be with no issue or stress."

"I'm sure she'll make a hell of an entrance" Tig says as he jons us.

"If she's anything like lanya then yea she'll make an entrance"Opie jokes.

"good one Ope bear."

"I hate that nickname. you got Donna calling me that now" he says

"hey tell your lady that I started calling you ope bear, that she needs to call you something else."

"yea like what?"

"I don't know what kinky stuff your into. hell she can call you a tall  drink of water" I replied

"what do you call Jax?" Opie asks

"depends on her mood" Jax replied 

I slapped him.

"jackass has been one lately. or pain in the ass" I replied

"see what a mean."

"What about when he isn't a pain in the ass or jack ass?" Tig questions

"that's behind the scenes info I cant tell" I replied

they all look at Jax and smile.

"there you go Jackie boy," Chibs says slapping Jax on the back

I chuckled and rubbed my stomach.

We sat there talking about different things from the garage to an upcoming dinner Gemma's probably is in the middle of planning.

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