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Few months later

When I woke this morning I about shit myself. Gemma was right there along with Donna and they both was waiting.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked

"Getting the bride ready" Donna says

"I am already married" I replied

"You eloped it didn't count. now get up go shower and lets get this wedding on the go" Gemm says

I throw back the covers and head off into the bathroom showered, shaved and got freshened up before I dried my hair and wrapped myself up in a towel before I headed out and took a seat letting Donna and Gemma do what they wanted.

"Abel and Jax are at the club house getting ready for the others" Gemma says

"I wondered why it was so quiet" I replied

"Yea Jax can be quiet a handful" Gem says

"that's an understatement Gem" I remarked 

Donna and her, both laughed as they kept working on my makeup and hair. Once they were done they handed me a dress bag and some undergarments and left the room. I laid the dress out of the bag and smiled at the rockabilly fashion. 

After slipping the underwear and dress on being careful not to ruin my hair or makeup. I slipped my heels that paired perfectly with the dress, then walked out the door.

"Wow you look very beautiful," Donna says

"She looks like a pinup girl" Gemma

"your son's everyday dream" I replied

"Well you're making that dream come true with this look," she says

We headed out of the house locking it up.

"So will this be at the reservation or clubhouse? " 

"Just have to wait and see."

I nodded my head and sat back and did just that.

upon our arrival, I saw so many bikes that they outnumbered the cars.

"More than the Sons here" I state

"our brother clubs" Gemma replied

I slipped out of the car along with the girls and walked with them to where Gemma had the wedding setup.

"Thank you for doing this Gemma," I tell her

"I told you after hearing you and Jax eloping that you'd have another one. so here it is " she says

I gave her a hug before I stood where no one could see me.

When the start of Signed sealed deliver stared I hid my laugh as I walked up the Aisle. I was grinning as I took in Jax and Abel in button up shirts. Abel in a cute little vest while Jax had his Kutte on.

"Here I am baby signed sealed deilevered I'm yours" I say when I stood before him.

He chuckled as we took hands and Bobby did the ceremony.

We placed the wedding bands on each other's hands and Bobby was about to officiate but Opie cut in.

"He forgot something," Opie says

"Oh right. I promise to treat you as good as my leather. and ride you as much as my Harley" Jax says

"Well, there's gonna be plenty of little tellers cause you, ride that Harley for quite a long time" I comment

the others chuckled as bobby finished the ceremony.  Jax dipped me as we kissed as everyone stood and cheered some whistled.

I scooped up Abel and together the three of us headed towards the reception.

After Jax and I had our first dance as husband and wife the others joined us. 

when the party went into full swing Gemma took Abel to watch him.

I went to a tent that was for my outfit change. I stripped down out of my dress and panties and slipped on tight leather pants and a black crop top.

I stepped out and walked up to Jax when they started you're the one I want. Opie tapped Jax's shoulder and pointed towards me.

he looked at me with wide eyes making me smile.

"Tell me about it stud," I said mimicking Sandy.

He smirked as he walked up to me. I dropped my hands on his shoulders as we swayed and moved to the song.

He picked me up and spun me around as the others whistled and cheered. 

When it came time for us to depart I climbed on the back of Jax's bike and we rode off waving bye to the others. 


Wedding dress

Wedding dress

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Hair & make up

Hair & make up

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