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"Excuse me" I heard

Stopping what I was doing I looked up seeing two cops.

"Yes?" I asked

"I'm detective Hale this is my partner Unser" he says

"What can I help you with?" I asked

"what happened to Wendy Case?" they asked

"she was bleedso I busted the door down and rushed her to the hospital where they had to do emergency c-section to try and save her baby" I answered

"Now drugs or anything?" hale asked

"I don't know if she was using or not. I was freaked out seeing her in blood knowing she's pregnant. so I picked her up and did as I said" I replied

"Why was you here in the first place?" he questioned

"where are we getting with this? I am dating the baby's father. I was worried about the baby's life so I came over and I am so glad I did or an innocent life would had been gone" I say

He went to ask more but his partner stopped him

"Thank you we will leaving you alone now" Unser says

I nodded my head and watched as they disspaeared.

I headed inside doubled up on gloves and cleaned the place off ridding of all traces of drugs and any equipment that is used for drugs. after I was done that I tossed them gloves before putting on me and grabbed cleaning supplies and got to work on cleaning up around the place.

"Baby what are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning this place up Jax" I replied as I scrubbed more

"You don't need to" he says

I stop for a minute remove the gloves and take a seat at the table with him next to him.

"You get to see him?" I asked

"No and I wont be going to see him" he says

I looked at him very shocked.

"Why not?" I asked

"WHat's the point he doesn't have long to live"he says

"I know what chances he was given. but Abel is a fighter. cause Tellers are fighters and that baby will survive and he will grow up to be a delightful young man." I say

"How would you know?"he asks

"His daddy had the same issue and here you are before me a beautiful man that has my heart." I replied

he looked at me and started tearing up before crying so I pulled him into my arms and hugged him.

"Please don't give up on him. he's got no one but you to to really care about him Parent wise. he needs you to right now." I say to him

"I don't wanna loose him but I fear he will not make it" he cries.

"I know you feel he'll be like poor tommy. and I understand that. But deep in my heart I know he will be like his daddy. a strong fighter." I tell him

He pulls back and looks at me. I wipe his tears.

"WIll you be his mom. I'll have my laser bring up legal papers for Wendy to sign her rights over and you to be his legal mom" he says

"I'd be happy to be his mom. I love him and I've never seen him but he's part of you so he means so much to me" I anwsered

he pulled me to him and kissed me.

He got to work on getting the paper work dealt with while I finished up cleaning.

after we was both finished we left and headed to Teller-Marrow.

"So any news?" they asked

"I hadn't gone back or heard anymore after hearing of him having the family flaw" Jax asked

"They are gonna do surgery on his stomach then when he surives that they will fix the hole in his heart" I answered

"Wait how'd you find out generally its immediate family?" Tig asked

"I said I was Jax's wife" I replied

"Smart thinking" Chibs says

"More like quick thinking" Tig says

We all went about our day before Gem Called and told us that Able made it out of his stomach surgery and that they are gonna do the surgery on his heart.

"lets go and wait at the hospital. hopefully you'll be able to see your son" I say to Jax

He nods his head before leading me out to his bike and we head back to the hospital.

We sit in the waiting room for what felt like twenty hours before Dr.Knowles walked out and told us what had happened. then told us how he's in a incubator or toaster as the guys call it.

After getting more information we thanked her and she walked off

"told you he'd survive and make it" I said 

Jax says nothing just kisses me and holds me close.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now