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Opting to go with my Tennesse whiskey top and ripped jeans I put my hair up in a high pony tail and slipped on some tennis shoes then headed out.

I stopped by the dinner for a quick breakfast then off to Teller-Marrow I went.

I pulled into the lot and parked by a bunch of bikes. Spotting one that had what looked to be a reaper detailed on the side which was a nice detail.

I couldn't believe I was here finally after so many years away.

I walked up to the office and knocked on the door.

"Once second" Gem says as she sorts through the filing cabinet behidn the desk.

"Heard Teller marrow needs a machine hope your not sexiest against women Gem" I say

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

"Alanya?" she questioned as if she couldn't believe it

"In the flesh Gem " Ireplied opening my arms.

She came over and wrapped me up in her arms hugging my tightly which I returned.

"I cant believe my eyes" she says

"I had to come back this is my home." I tell her

"I'm happy to see you back. the others will be too" she says

"How is everyone?" I asked

She sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well when your mother took you away Jax was heartbroken so he bottled him self up not hardly talking .but then highschool came and he met this girl name Tara and he slowly started showing the old Jax. when time for him to become a prospect she dumbed him and left him claiming she wanted out of here and that this wasn't the life for her. which killed Jax. he bottled himself up again.he became VP after a year, married a junkie, then when she picked drugs over him he divorced her but turns out she's carrying his baby. and he hasn't heard anything from her about anything. he's been providing for her, allowing her to stay at his place and paying her medical bills." Gem says

she removed her reading glasses and rubbed her face

"I am so sorry that's happened to him"I say

"It's not your fault" she assured me

" is he here?" I asked

She nodded

"I'd like to see him. I miss him and the others so much" I say

"In the clubhouse, probably in church so go on in there and sit at the bar I'm sure they'll see you" she says

I smiled and went to walk away but she stopped me

"You got the job,start tomorrow bright and early" she says

"see you then boss" I replied then walked off into the clubhouse.

I took a seat at the bar and smiled at the prospect before asking for a soda.

When the door to the chaple opened I kept my back to them.

"Hey Half sack who's the person?" I hear what sounds to be Tig

I smiled stood up and faced them.

"I know I've been gone for a long time but gone on Tiggy surely you know me from behind"I joke

they looked shocked to see me.

"Well don't stand there with gaped mouths come give me hugs I missed you boys" I say opening my arms

One by one they took turns welcoming me back.

The last one was Jax.

"I Jaxie" I greet and give him a kiss on the cheek

"Hi Gennie" he says calling my my nickname since I loved Genie in Aladdin. 

I smiled and hugged him super tight.

"Gosh I've missed you so much. and you all as well" I say

We pull away and I smile.

"If you need to talk Jax I'm here. trust me I'm never leaving this is home where I belong 

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now