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I was sitting in the office handing in voices when I could hear some lady talking to one of the guys. not knowing who she was practically flirting with tell I heard " I guess I'm just a sucker for a pretty face" then I knew exactly who it was. 

I shook my head and looked up seeing Gemma looking at me.

"you gonna handle that now or shall I?" she asks

"go for it, I'm not risking her cheap shotting my stomach" I replied

she smirks and motions me to follow so I stop what I am doing and follow her half way. 

she walked up to the woman and Jax said something to Jax and he looked down before she turned and looked at the woman and said something to her but the woman just laughed. I get closer so I could hear better.

"I don't see a wedding band" I heard the girl say

"and you ovbiously don't see a woman's name on him either huh?" Gemma shot back

"that could be a kids name or pet" the lady tried

"your right it could be but its not its his wife's and the mother of his son and unborn child mothers's name" Gemma says

"what's your point?"

"my point is if you don get in your car and get off this property I will take a soldering iron and use it on your face" Gemma says

"is that a threat?"

"its a promise,now get off my lot" Gemma says

I smiled and walked off going back to work when the woman scampered off.

I hear Gemma giving Jax's ass what for as they made their way to the office.

"A sucker for a pretty face? really Jackson. after the shit Alanya has gone through with you and for you. not to mention the shit she's dealing with during this pregnancy. hell if I was to bet she feels like fucking shit but wont admit it to you. and you saying this shit to another woman where she can hear you is really fucked up and not how you was brought up."

"I am sorry ma, I wasn't meaning anything by it, just trying to get here to come back" he tries

"if there needs to be flirting done let someone who isn't married or taken do it. don't fucking ruin something that going perfect for you" Gemma says

At this time they both walked into the office but I don't look up.

"go take lunch, I've got this."Gemma says

I stand up nodding before walking passed Jax as I grabbed my keys and purse before walking out the office.

"Wait Alanya, baby I am sorry. I know you heard me flirting. I am sorry about that. I was being stupid knowing your close by." he says

"I'd hate to know what you say to women when I'm not around you. do you offer to fuck them, do you use the teller charm to get them in bed or suck your cock?"

"No, I don't do that. I worded that wrong baby please I'm sorry" he says

I unlocked my car and got in.

"I am gonna head off to lunch and spend time away from you, maybe when I come back you'll stop being a jackass. and give a fuck that you're taken by me that I'm your old lady and your wife. if you cant then we will deal with something of me leaving" I say then shutting my car door before I left.

It hurt to hear him flirting with another woman close to where I could hear and knowing I was there since we came to work together.

I felt like all that we said to each other last night was just a bunch of horse shit lies that he was telling me just to make me feel loved.

I knew that there was so many chances of Jax doing this but I had hoped and put so much faith in our love and what he told me as well as vowed to me that he'd never flirt with another woman. 

I finished my lunch and took my time heading back before I decided to call Gemma and tell her I was done for the day and I'd see her in a day or two. After hanging up the phone I headed home.

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