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It's hard to believe that Abel will be a year old in a few months. It seemed just like yesterday Jax and I were busting him out of the hospital and learning how to take care of him.

Now he's nine months old with some teeth and ready to break hearts. Not that he doesn't already. 

I swear he's a mini Jax. 

Every time I take him out with me there will be ladies cooing at him and saying just how handsome and adorable he is and he will give them the Teller smile and they just gush.

I've told Jax plenty of times what happens and he finds it funny. 

"What can I say other than it's just the Teller charm," Jax says every time I'll bring it up or someone brings it up.

"Yea the "Teller charm" . more like the Jackson charm" I reply which makes everyone nod their heads in agreement.

Jax just holds Abel in his arms and grins.

"I mean look at these two. they are both wearing the same smirk on their face." I say pointing it out which caused everyone to look at them before chuckling.

"Alright off the topic of Jackson or Teller Charm. the taste of Charming is coming up so I will need you Bobby to do your Elvis impersonation, some of you other guys to behave yourselves. Opie does the fireworks. and Alanya keeps Jax under lock and key" Gemma said having the last bit as A joke.

"Lock and key, hell I'll have to tie him up to keep him behaved" I replied

"Don't need to know what you and Jax do in your free time" Gemma replied

"I do, give me all the details" Tigs comments which cause Gemma to slap him 

I started laughing.

"I'll help any way I can," I tell Gemma

"Just have fun. I'm sure Jax wouldn't let you keep busy in a booth for too long before stealing you away" Gemma says

"true" I agreed

"I'm gonna be handling the garage with Piney and half sac so I won't be able to help," Clay says

"you're staying on the shit list of Gemma Marrow," I remark

"His name is the top of the list" Gemma replied 

"it's where I live," Clay says

After we talked some more about Taste of Charming we all said goodbye and headed home.

"So when that day comes if you want we can take Abel or let Rita watch him while we go and just chill out" Jax suggests

"what like a date?" I asked

"yea," he says

"I'm game," I tell him

He nods his head and he gets our napping Warrior out of the car and heads inside.

"I need to give him a bath but I don't have the heart to disturb his sleep he's just so precious right now it's not even funny," I say as Jax and I stand in Abel's nurse watching him sleep in his crib.

"Yea he's a little evil when he has his off days," Jax says which makes me slap him lightly on his shoulder

"I bet you weren't all sunshine and rainbows when you were his age. Heck if I were to bet you are probably why Gem drinks" I remarked

"Oh, baby that is it," Jax says as he lifts me up and carries me away to our room after shutting Abel's door.

"What? I did nothing wrong?" I lied

"your little remark is why you are gonna be punished," Jax says

"Oh is daddy gonna spank me?"

He looked at me and I swear his blue eyes darkened like the ocean when a storm is brewing.

"oh fuck me."

"Oh baby daddy will fuck you till you can't walk for a solid two weeks," Jax says

I licked my lips as I started to undress and flung my clothes not caring where they landed. I had one thing that I gave a fuck about and that was to be pounded like a bass drum by my sexy biker.

He stripped down and tackled me on the bed where he did just like he promised. he fucked me so damn good I was beyond lost in euphoria.

When I came back to the present Jax was laying beside me grinning like a cat that snatched the cream when nobody was looking.

"What?" I asked

"you have that total bliss look in your eyes" he comments

"I was lost in euphoria" I replied

"that good huh?"

"Baby I know damn well you don't need to question your ability."

"you're right I don't cause your sounds and begging. tells me just how much of a beast in bed I am."

I lean over and bit him right on his nipple which makes him jerk and cover the wounded body part.

"hey, I was just teasing."

"you were being self conceded."

He just looked at me and smiled before kissing me again.

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