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I've been workign with Teller-Marrow for a month. and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I'm with my old friends. I'm catching up on lost times and feeling as though nothings changed.

Jax and I've gotten very close. we've gone on dates, kissed, & all but became official. The guys as well as Gemma is telling us to get a move on it already which cracks me up while Jax just shakes his head.

But have become official. it was three days before Wendy tried to od while carrying Able. 

He asked me while we was working on a bike together and I of course said yes then kissed him which made the guys cheer while Gem said took you long enough.

After that you couldn't wipe the smile off my face I was so happy and finally with someone that mean the world to me and that I've loved since I was a little girl.

When Able was brought into this world I freaked out. Reason being is I found Wendy in a pool of blood. So broke into the house used a wrag to remove the needle she had in her arm and tossed it before carefully picking her up wrapped her in a blanket and took her to my car where I fastened her up got in and sped like a deaom from hell to the hospital.

 I called Jax telling him what was going on. I pulled up to the loading zone and got out and was quick to get Wendy out and took off inside.

"I need assistance this woman's pregnant and shes od. please say the baby" I said loudly

Nurses swarmed me and removed her from my arms and took off with her. 

I headed out and parked my car locked it up and ran off asking where the took the woman.

"What's your relation?" 

"Its to the baby"I told them


"I'm the father's wife" I fibbed

they gave me the information and I took off running.

"Excuse me who are you?" a woman asked

"I'm the baby step mom" I say

"Well we are doing a c-section. the baby is in risk." she explains

she then proceed to talk about what all was going on before she left.

I stood by the entry doors to the area I was in.

I hear running before I see Jax and them.

"Alaya what's going on?" he asked

"I went to your place to check on Wendy cause I'm worried about Able. when I got there she was laying in a pool of her own blood which was coming from her vagina. I panicked and busted into the house was quick to remove the needle and get her here. in order for me to know what was happening I told them we are married. when I came up here the doctor asked who I was so I said I'm the baby's step mom and she told me they are doing a c-section that Able is at risk. then then told me what all was going." I tell him

after telling him that much I then told him what else the lady doctor told me.

"He's got the family flaw" Gemma says

I nodded my head and went to say more but the lady doctor came out and looked surprised to see Jax.

"The patience and baby made it out. the baby isn't looking to survive. they are giving him a low chance of survival" the lady doctor says

"I have to go" Jax says before storming off

"Follow him" Gem told tigs and Chib 

they nodded and walked off after Jax.

"what's need to be done that could help better his chances?" I asked

"they will do surgery on his stomach then if he survies then they will fix the hole in his heart" she said

"Thank you so much" I tell her

 she nods her head then looks at Gem before telling us where Wendy was if we wanted to see her.

"When will we be allowed to see Able?" I asked

she gave a confused looked

"the baby's name is Able Teller" I answered her unasked question

"after his surgeries." she says

I nodded my head and finally took in the name tag seeing her name is Tara knowles and it clicked why she gave the shocked/surpriesed looked when she seen Jax.

I looked at Gem before I sighed and walked off.

I went and took care of repairing the door I busted into.

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