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Few months later

Yesterday was a whirlwind. Amethyst decided she was ready to meet everyone. 

After my water broke Jax rushed me to the hospital while Opie who was visiting took Abel to his place.

From there I spent half the day in labor before I finally pushed little Jewel out. 

She came into this world screaming and making sure everyone knew she had arrived. she weighs a total of eight pounds and seven ounces. she's got my hair color, her daddy's eyes and a mixture of our looks.

 the very first time I got to hold her I felt like I was in heaven.

"alright momma here she is" the nurse says as she places Amethyst on my chest to calm her down as we experienced skin to skin contact.

"Oh my God Jackson look at her, so she beautiful" I teared up as I genetled placed my hand on her little back.

"she's perfect baby" Jax says as he leaned over and kissed me before he moved down and kissed Amethyst's head.

"an amazing little Jewel" I tell Jax

"precious one at that."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"thank you for everything.do being here with me through it all, for dealing with my mood swings, my off wack hormones, and me calling you basically every name in the book as I pushed her out."

"it's my job as your husband and her dad to be there every step of the way. and I knew that all the things you was experiencing was nothing to take offense to."

I looked back at our baby girl.

"wanna experience this two?"

"when your done."

I nodded my head and watched little Jewel start to get fussy. So as careful as possible I shifted her into my arms and held her right at my chest.

"looks like your seeing if she'll take to breastfeeding" the nurse says as she walked in

I nodded my head not looking from little Jewel as she latched on and fed with no help or issue.

"fast learner" the nurse commented

"yeah she is" Jax says as he sits and watches her.

The nurse does all she needs to do before she walks back out leaving Jax and I with our daughter.

Once she's fed and satisfied I had Jax to remove his kutte and shirt so he could experience skin to skin with her in case I'm not around and so they can bond.

Once he stripped his Kutte and top I carefully manuvered her into his arms and he gently placed her on his chest. before leaning back and holding her. while I cover myself back up.

I smiled at the sight before me.


I look over and see Gemma holding a camera.

"yea it is" I agreed

"is she?"


Gemma nodded before she walked up to me and kissed my forehead.

"she's beautiful, you did a great job."

"thank you."

"Abel and the others are in the waiting room. shall I go get him?"

"Yes please I want him to meet his sister."

she nodded and left the camera before walking out the door.

I laid there watching Jax as he stared at our little Jewel.

"Mommy ."

I turned my head and seen Abel come rushing in.

"Hi warrior" I greet

He carefully climbs into the bed and lays beside me.

"is she here?" 

"in daddy's arms."

He looked over and seen Jax hold Amethyst

"she small."

"you were tinier than her."

he looked at me


"yea, but then you grew up and here you are a big boy" I replied

he smiels and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek then hugs me.

"can I hold her?"

"I don't see why not bub" Jax says as he situates little Jewel in his arms and comes over.

I scoot up and make room for Abel as he sits between my legs.

Jax tells him how to put his arms before he places little Jewel in his arms.

"have to be very careful and support her head," Jax tells him

"Okay daddy," he says

I smiled and watched as Abel look at his little sister with a big smile on his face.

"you're doing a great job warrior" I assured him

"thank you."

I smiled and kissed the back of his head before looking up at Jax who was already looking at me and smiling.

"perfect family huh?"

he nods his head and makes his way over to where Gem placed the camera before going back to where he was and snapping pictures of this precious moment.

I'm here for you (not edited) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now